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Weapon Rankings Vs. Reapers

Average %TUs expended per kill (for Firing Accuracy=50):

Blast Bmb         20
HE Pack(XCU)      30
HE Pack           58
Alien Grd         73
RocketLg          73
HvyPlas           78
Stun Bmb          84
AC - HE           95
Prox Grd          97
HC - HE          100
RocketSm         101
Stun Rod         111
PlasmaR          119
HvyLas (XCU)     139
Grenade          148
LaserR           207
PlasmaP          213
HvyLas           329
LaserP           396
HC - AP          517
AC - AP          661
Rifle           1156
Pistol          1603

It's possible that Incendiary weapons are comparatively effective vs Reapers, since they ignore armour and may cause multiple damage to large units. However the mechanics of Incendiaries are not yet well enough understood to do exact modelling.

Spike 18:57, 11 March 2009 (CDT)

XCOM 2 long war

So I know the reaper and the other 2 terror units didn’t make it in 2012 but they might make it in long war next update

Michaelx2 (talk) 20:02, 30 December 2019 (CET)