Workshop (Long War)

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HQ Long War.jpg
Effect 10% discount on items and 10% refund on materials
Adjacency Bonus Workshop (+5% discount/refund)
Prerequisites None
Other 10 engineers per Workshop
Build costs
Alien Alloys
§200 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 21
§300 | 0 | 0 | 10 | 11
Maintenance §30
Power 4

The Workshop reduces item cost by 10% and gives a 10% refund on materials.

Each adjacent Workshop, Foundry or Repair Bay reduces item cost by an additional 5% and gives an additional 5% refund on materials.

Multiple Workshops have diminishing returns and discounts and refunds cannot exceed 50%.

Rebate Equation

0.5 + 0.5 * 0.8 ^ (a + 0.5b) = percent of price you need to pay

a = number of Workshops
b = number of adjacency bonuses

Workshop graph and stats

Values in bold represent the natural expansion of Workshops in your base. It is assumed that you first build the Foundry and the Repair Bay, then four Workshops adjacent to them.

Workshop graph.png
Workshops %
0.5 5.28
1 10.00
1.5 14.22
2 18.00
2.5 21.38
3 24.40
3.5 27.10
4 29.52
4.5 31.68
5 33.62
5.5 35.35
6 36.89
6.5 38.28
7 39.52
7.5 40.62
8 41.61
8.5 42.48
9 43.29
9.5 44.00
10 44.63
10.5 45.20
11 45.71
11.5 46.16
12 46.57
12.5 46.53
13 47.25
13.5 47.54
14 47.80
14.5 48.03
15 48.24
15.5 48.43
16 48.59
16.5 48.74
17 48.88
17.5 49.00
18 49.10

See also

Vigilo Confido black.png Long War: XCOM Facilities 
Static Facilities
Facilities background Long War.jpg
Mission Control (EU2012).png
Mission Control
Research (EU2012).png
Engineering (EU2012).png
Barracks (EU2012).png
Hangar (EU2012).png
Situation Room (EU2012).png
Situation Room
Constructible Facilities
Access Lift (EU2012).png
Access Lift
Alien Containment (EU2012).png
Alien Containment
Elerium Generator (EU2012).png
Elerium Generator
Foundry (EU2012).png
Power Generator (EU2012).png
Fission Generator
Genetics Lab (EU2012).png
Genetics Lab
Gollop Chamber (EU2012).png
Gollop Chamber
Hyperwave Relay (EU2012).png
Hyperwave Relay
Laboratory (EU2012).png
Officer Training School (EU2012).png
Officer Training School
Psionic Lab (EU2012).png
Psionic Lab
Cybernetics Lab (EU2012).png
Repair Bay
Satellite Nexus (EU2012).png
Satellite Nexus
Satellite Uplink (EU2012).png
Satellite Uplink
Thermal Power Generator (EU2012).png
Thermo Generator
Workshop (EU2012).png