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m (→‎XcomUtil's features: +statstrings)
(more statstrings)
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Run xcusetup as per normal, then overwrite the map files with the backup copies.
Run xcusetup as per normal, then overwrite the map files with the backup copies.
==Advanced Statstrings==
Statstrings allow to rename your soldiers. For example, "Anton Miller /wMr" would be a '''w'''eak squaddie of excellent firing accuracy ('''m'''arksmanship) and decent '''r'''eactions. However, like almost everything in XcomUtil, this is fully configurable. Custom sets of statstring definitions can be found [[statstrings|here]].
==Troubleshooting FAQ==
==Troubleshooting FAQ==

Revision as of 12:30, 21 October 2007

What is XcomUtil?

XcomUtil is an utility written by Scott T. Jones to enhance both UFO Defense and Terror From The Deep. It works with either both the DOS or the CE (Windows) version of each game. Quoting from Scott T. Jones' page: "XcomUtil is a game enhancer. It is not really an editor and it is certainly not a cheat program. The original purpose of XcomUtil was to make the game more difficult, because there was a bug in the original game that forced all games to the Beginner difficulty level, regardless of what level you chose."

Scott T. Jones worked on this software for years and the last version (9.60) can be downloaded from his page. On Jan 23 2007 he announced that he had passed development of XComUtil to BladeFireLight since his work prevented him from developing it anymore.

XcomUtil's features

Some features are optional, others are not. You can turn some on, but not others. And then return to the original version if you change your mind:

Optional features:

  • Allows to display statstrings in soldier's names, for a quick overview of their abilities.
  • Allows for hybrid games, where UFO's maps can be played on TFTD and vice-versa.
  • Sorts your soldiers by stats and rank and saves their equipment configuration.
  • Has an option for a enhanced set of the original weapons.
  • Allows to play only Day/Night Missions.
  • Allows to automatically resolve battles.
  • Allows to choose the terrain and UFO/USO for the tactical mission.
  • Makes research more difficult by making it dependent on captured aliens.
  • Allows to change the aliens and their weapons during tactical missions.
  • Adds an AutoCombat feature to automatically resolve a combat.
  • Allows for world terrain and UFO/USO floorplans/shapes randomization.
  • Permits players/modders to use new terrains and other features.

Fixed features:

  • Allows for all 5 X-COM ships to carry troops.
  • Fixes the difficulty bug mentioned above.
  • Removes copy protection for UFO.
  • Sets the soldiers to face different directions at the start inside the craft.
  • Changes the displacement of the troops inside the Avenger, Lightning, Hammerhead and Leviathan.
  • Increases the troop capability of the craft mentioned above.
  • The 3 last features can be disabled by changes on the XcomUtil.cfg file (but be sure of knowing what you are doing)

For a complete list see the XcomUtil.txt file included with the program.

How to use XcomUtil

Warning: this indications are merely for a quick use/explanation of some of its features. For full documentation read the XcomUtil.txt file included with the program. It is always recommended to make a backup copy of the game to restore it to its original configuration.

First, you will need to download XcomUtil from Scott T Jones site and unzip it to your UFO/TFTD folder. Afterwards run XcuSetup to configure it and choose the options you want (there's an explaining list below). For more advanced options you will need to use the xcomutil command (instructions on that below). Finally, to load the game with XcomUtil fully working you will need to use the RunXcom command.

The XcuSetup configuration program

The easiest way to run XcomUtil is to run the XcuSetup program. It will then prompt you to choose a number of options:

  • Do you want to enable f0dder's loader? - This is in case you are having video problems with the Windows edition.
  • Do you want to use the improved starting base? - The starting base will have a different configuration better suited for defense, plus the scientists and engineers will be increased to 50 each. It will also upgrade the Small Radar to a Large Radar and build an Alien Containment
  • Do you want to use the alternate starting base? - If you have answered No to the previous prompt this query will appear. Your starting base will have the defense configuration but not the other improvements.
  • Do you want to use the improved tanks? -The HWP will have the same stats as the Hovertanks, if chosen Yes.
  • Do you want to use the improved weapons? -Pistol, Heavy Laser and High Explosive will have better stats.
  • Do you want to use the new laser weapons? -Lasers now require Elerium to be built, plus it is not possible to build Plasma weapons (with the exception of the Plasma Cannon and clips).
  • Do you want to get research help from captured aliens? - This will greatly increase the research times for all technologies, and you will need to capture aliens to speed up your research.
  • Do you want stat strings added to the names of your troops? - To help distinguish them on combat. Other suboptions will appear if you choose Yes.
  • Do you want your troops automatically sorted before combat? - Places the rookies and high reaction soldiers at first to disembark the craft.
  • Do you want to automatically re-equip your troops before combat? - Saves the equipment for each soldier at the end of each mission and reequips them on their next mission.

There are more options available, these are only some of them.

The XcomUtil command

The second way to use XcomUtil is by running the xcomutil command to change a saved game. This command allow for specific modifications to the files (XcuSetup makes nearly all general modifications), especially to games saved while on tactical. If you are going to edit the game through this command remember to make backup files of your UFO/TFTD directory before using it. You should also read XComUtil's manual concerning each flag, otherwise you might end up your saved games.

How to use the command

The syntax for the command is :

XCOMUTIL path [flags] [WRT]

path Where your game is located. If xcomutil is on the same folder then you will simply have to specify which saved game you want to be changed

[flags] These are the specific commands. More on those below.

[WRT] To make changes permanent you will need to put WRT at the end, otherwise XcomUtil will simulate only the effects (which is great to practice).

An example of a command would be:

XCOMUTIL GAME_1 DXC WRT - This would eliminate all extra clips carried by the aliens on the first saved game.

Flags affecting tactical missions

These flags will change only elements of a saved tactical game. There are other flags that affect also Geoscape, although most of those changes can be made already with XcuSetup. For more information on the flags consult the XcomUtil.txt file.

  • DXC - This flag deletes all of the extra plasma clips carried by the aliens to make more room for extra aliens.
  • S2B - Changes stun launchers (SL) to blaster launchers (BL). Other similar flags include B2S (changes BLs to SLs); W2H which changes alien pistols and rifles to heavy plasmas; W2R changes alien weapons to rifles; W2P changes alien weapons to pistols.
  • CHG:old:new - This will change objects carried by the aliens from old to new. As an example it is possible to change plasma weapons to lasers or any other object on the inventory.
  • DEL:name - Deletes all objects carried by the aliens of the name type.
  • RPL:oldrace:newrace:oldrank:newrank - Allows to replace aliens and to change their ranks.
  • typ:# - This will add new alien units, if there is space for them. The possible flags are SEC, FLO, SNA, MUT, ETH, CEL, SIL, CHR, CIV or ALL. It is not possible to add large aliens.
  • VIS - Makes the entire battlefield visible, including the aliens.
  • WIN - Kills all alien units at the end of your turn.
  • ARM - Equips all unarmed aliens with a Heavy Plasma
  • SWP - Allows you to switch sides with the aliens (Warning: this flag can be very dangerous do your game, read the instructions to further details).

Flags affecting Geoscape

These flags make changes into a game saved on Geoscape. The changes aren't permanent and some of them can be used to cheat.

  • ACT:n - Sets the X-COM activity on each area to n.
  • MSK - Reveals the Psi level of Soldiers/Aquanauts.
  • TEC:xyz - Allows for unresearched technologies to be used/built. XYZ can be HUMAN, HYBRID or ALL
  • MNY:n - Sets the money to n.
  • FND:n - Sets the funding for each country to n times $1000.

Flags affecting the game executable

These flags make permanent changes to the game.

  • TNK - Adds improved HWP/SWS, with the stats of the Hovertanks/Displacers.
  • FLY - Allows Celatids, Silacoids, Engineers and Tentaculats to fly.
  • PSI - Gives Psi abilities to all alien Leaders/Commanders. Doesn't work with TFTD.
  • BAS - Uses the improved base.

How To Start The Game Using XComUtil - RunXCom.bat

After you have changed the game using XcuSetUp or/and xcomutil you must use the RunXCom.bat command. There's actually 2 RunXCom files, RunXCom.bat and RunXComW.bat. The difference between both is that the first is used with the DOS version and the second with the Windows (CE) version. If you are running the CE version on XP then you will need to install fodder's patch using XcuSetup. If you had already chosen No on that option while running XcuSetup simply delete the XCOM4WIN.XCF file and run XcuSetup again. For more information on this read the XcomUtil manual where the proper procedure for installing CE is explained.

But I Don't Want Some Features

Tested on: DOS Ver v1.4

As much as XcomUtil being a game enchancer, some aspects of the program cannot be easily disabled. Once installed via Xcusetup.bat, some features are implemented that may not be welcome (even if you answered 'No' to all questions). Such as, the soldier carrying capacity of the Interceptor and the Firestorm. If you were not wanting these additions, or any other, but want the Difficulty Bug squashed, you must use a different editor (for example: Khor Chin Heong's XCOM2 MultiEditor v0.2) to change values within the geoscape.exe back to originals. As much as this is a pain, it only needs to be done once if you keep a backup of the edited and corrected geoscape.exe.

How To:

Run Xcusetup.bat, when you are asked your first question, just close the program as you would any other windows program. Windows will come up with a message: "Cannot close this program normally, are you sure you want to end this program?" (or something similiar to that wording). Once closed, run XCOM2 MultiEditor. (NOTE: this editor works for Xcom1, even though its written for Xcom2 in mind) and change values to what they are originally. Look inside "Sub Editor" within the editor and change "Craft Weapons" to 0 for the Triton. Once you have edited the values back to originals, save it. Cut geoscape.exe from the currnt game install and move it to a new installation of Xcom1. Just overwrite geoscape.exe with your patched and edited file. Keep it somewhere else as a backup, just in case.

Making use of the Base Disjoint Bug - restoring the original base map files:

XCUSetup forces a fix on the base map files when it is run, without prompting you if you want to do this or not. It effectively knocks out all the walls that would otherwise be sealed off when placed along the left and lower most edges of the base map grid.

While most players are content with the crude looking base maps and the complete unrestricted access to and from the various modules, some players may already know how the base disjoint bug works and will want to make use of the sealed off walls to control the flow of alien movement. If this sounds like you, read on.

To restore the old maps, you must make a backup of the xbase*.map files stored in the MAPS\ directory. You can also do this to the ubase*.map files to keep the alien base maps intact as well. Or if you can get access to these files on your installation CD, or a second copy of the game, you can take copies directly from there when you want to restore them.

Run xcusetup as per normal, then overwrite the map files with the backup copies.

Advanced Statstrings

Statstrings allow to rename your soldiers. For example, "Anton Miller /wMr" would be a weak squaddie of excellent firing accuracy (marksmanship) and decent reactions. However, like almost everything in XcomUtil, this is fully configurable. Custom sets of statstring definitions can be found here.

Troubleshooting FAQ

I have UFO/TFTD CE. How can I use f0dder's patch and XComUtil?

XComUtil's package includes f0dder's patch. To install it, run XcuSetup and choose Yes on the f0dder's patch query.

I have chosen No before and now XcuSetup doesn't show the option again

Delete the XCOM4WIN.XCF file from the UFO/TFTD folder. It will now show up again on XcuSetup.