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[[Murphy's Laws (X-COM)]] - work in progress
[[Murphy's Laws (X-COM)]] - work in progress
==Apocalypse Diary==
===March 31st, 2084===
Over the past three days there has been lots of fighting. X-COM forces average 20-24 soldiers but most of them are on the medical bay since casualty rates have been high. My soldiers are equipped with Megapol Armor, Toxinguns with type B and Disruptors and the tactics have been storming the aliens in real time, which can lead into some nasty situations. Opponents are Anthropods, Skeletoids and Poppers, with the occasional Megaworm. Last mission the aliens started appearing with Shields but managed to catch one and I'm researching it right now to finally get X-COM armor.
Getting enough soldiers to missions has been a pain. Last mission consisted of 7 soldiers, all others were injured and I barely keep up with losses from recruting. No hybrids or androids available anymore.
And the aliens rule the skies. I've stopped trying to take down UFOs after I managed to shoot down an alien Destroyer for reach. And I'm down to 5 Hoverbikes and 1 Valkyrie.
Second base is starting to get built but there's not short term solution for money shortage.
===April 9th, 2084===
2nd base is pumping out Biotrans for sale, money problems seem taken care of. Started research into X-COM Armor after finishing Small Disruptor Shield. 2nd Advanced Workshop is being built.
Lost my captain four days ago to a Brainsucker ambush. Paid Grav League to bring them to Neutral from Unfriendly and that helped with the recruitment shortage. Soldiers are now equipped with shields which has lowered the casualty rate and the main weapon is Toxiguns with Toxin B to maximize retrieval of equipment. But I also bring 3 soldiers equipped with MarSec Launchers to deal with any hassles.
Aliens strategy consists into sending a fleet of UFOs every 2-3 days to try to infiltrate organizations. Usually my squad drops into the building after the UFO has offloaded its cargo to deal with the issue right away and prevent the aliens from spreading.
Aliens still rule the skies since I'm waiting for advanced craft to contest it. But Megapol has been trying to stop them although usually the result is less favourable to the police. Megapol has also been hit hard by every organization taken by the aliens (about 7 of them: Cult, Transtellar, Nanotech, Sensovision, Sanctuary Clinic and 2 of the gangs). No one has bothered with attacking my bases yet which I suspect is due to the low profile I'm keeping.
===April 16th, 2084===
Three days ago I got my first base invasion which got trashed against my Advanced Security Stations. Aliens are still using the tactic of dropping into buildings. Also had a massive firefight against a large Aliens and Diablo force in the slums. I was deployed at one side of an open map, the aliens on the other and I charged until I found the aliens which led to a barrage of shots being fired from one side to the other.
Retaliator is researched but my workshops are producing Disruptor Armor for the groundpounders.
===May 4th, 2084===
The minute I ordered my workshop to build the first Retaliator after converting from mass producing armor, a Mothership jumps into the city and keeps coming back twice before showing up with a Battleship (or vice-versa, can't remember which one is which). The Escorts stop coming which makes me wonder if I'll ever see them again since I haven't downed one yet for research. Then the aliens start dropping Overspawns all over the city and my score goes negative since the aliens stopped infiltrating buildings.
After my second Retaliator was built I decided to take a peek at the alien dimension for the first time so I send both of them and they are swarmed by UFOs at the alien dimension and have to retreat. I will building the 3rd Retaliator and then either I'll ambush one of the larger craft on the city to get more technology or to start clearing the dimension of UFOs.
===May 17th, 2084===
First raid into alien dimension was hairy... the aliens simply swarmed my 3 Retaliators and I had to quickly withdrawal. I switched back to killing the UFOs on the city and managed to shoot down the Battleship and Mothership and now I have 4 Retaliators and 1 Anhilator ready for the next move but I want to try to capture a live Psimorph first to get toxin C before starting to send troops to the dimension buildings.
I want to get higher ranking officers (I have just a Captain right now) but I'm starting to realize that Rookies don't count to getting officers so I need a few missions to bring them to squaddies.

Revision as of 02:04, 29 November 2009

Why Hobbes?

This question keeps popping up from time to time. And the answer is two-fold: - Hobbes, as in the stuffed tiger in Calvin and Hobbes. - And as Thomas Hobbes, an English political theory writer of the XVI century (on which the above mentioned tiger is based btw).

It will also be mentioned somewhere that my real name is André Galvão, that I am from Portugal and that my age is 33. This are all desinformation, of course, meant to distract you from my real identity as a member of Omega Team.

Any questions regarding me, myself and I can be made on my talk page :)

What is the Omega Team?

Bigger than Above Top Secret. Even more secret than the proven fact that the Earth is flat, not round despite what they might tell you. For more information present yourself at the server of UFO2000, a multiplayer remake of UFO Defense. You will know but I will shoot you afterwards.

Why X-COM?

Scroll back in time to when computers had the fabulous memory of 48K, namely the ZX Spectrum. The would be creators of X-COM released a game named Rebel Star, followed by Laser Squad (the predecessor to the current Laser Squad Nemesis). I like those so much that I even used some of Rebel Star's names for my fan fictions as a nod to them. A big time afterwards I got a PC and bought X-COM:Apocalypse, followed by X-COM:UFO Defense and X-COM: Terror From The Deep. Voila, love at first sight.

Terrain Mods

If you are using XComUtil then you can try some of my terrain mods for something different. It should be easy to use them:

1) Make a backup of the XComUtil.cfg file

2) Download the Terrain Files and unzip them to your UFO folder

3) Run XcuSetup. Make sure you choose Yes to the option: "Do you want to be prompted before every ship attack?" DOn't choose Yes to any of the options afterwards (or the one where it asks you if you want to use the new Desert and Farm terrains) or it won't work.

4) During the game, when you are about to raid a UFO, it will show you a list of terrains using the original but some of the terrains have been replaced: Farm is now Native (village in the tropics); Urban has been expanded; Forest is Apartment (a different city); and Mountain is the HWP factory (it might not work the first time, just try it until you see it)

Fan fictions?

I've been writing a whole series of stories concerning the X-COM universe:

X-COM: The Unknown Menace - Covers the 1st Alien War (based upon UFO Defense). Long novel (692 pages)

X-COM: Eulogy - Set between the 1st and the 2nd Alien War. Short story based upon the return of X-COM to Mars.

X-COM: Abyssal - Covers the 2nd Alien War. Unfinished.

X-COM: Destined Alliance - Pre-Apocalipse story set upon the 2nd return of X-COM to Mars. Will eventually be a part of the 3rd novel, which covers the 5th Alien War, based upon X-COM: Genesis.

All of those can be read at the fanfiction.net site

UFOPaedia projects

The Mysteries of X-COM - published, discussion page for unexplained aspects of the whole series

X-COM: A Military Analysis - work in progress

Part I - X-COM Organization

Part II - The Alien War

The X-COM Files - work in progress

Murphy's Laws (X-COM) - work in progress