Lobster Man

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Lobsterman (singular)
Lobstermen (plural)

Note: There are no Lobsterwomen.

General Information

Big meaty claws and a thick carapace immune to most of your starting weapons. Fearsome, but...

There are talk of soldiers which eat hearty after Lobsterman encounters. Individuals questioned always deny allegations, but many bases which are close to frequent lobsterman activity sites have been known to stock condiments normally associated with lobster dinners.

On a related note, bases in the region of Japan are famous for "misplacing" Xarquid corpses. A new form of sushi from the mollusk family has also recently appeared in the area. DNA tests and investigations are pending.


The first time I faced a Lobsterman, practically nothing in my arsenal could so much as dent him. And I think I was playing on easy.

Later, I realized that the humble freeze rod is a melee weapon and thus effective on them. Which is great, since you won't get to research those drills until LATE in the game. In fact, you might want to still stick with the freeze rod, since they take extra damage from stun as well as melee!

  • Melee with Vibroblade or Thermic Lance. "Hot-knife-through-butter" comes to mind. Mmm, melted butter and lobster...
  • The best non-nuke ranged weapon against Lobsterman is the Thermal Shock launcher. Don't forget to drop a grenade on the sleeping seafood if you want more kills for your rookies.
  • Other range weapons are very ineffective against Lobsterman. It could take three or four shot from Sonic Cannon before going down, only stunned.

Live Specimen


This is a staggering creatures, taller than a man and boasting six limbs, it resembles nothing more than an aquatic Demon. The similarities between this creature and the Earth lobster have earned it the nickname of Lobsterman with the X-Com troops.

This is a behemoth of the deep. A carefully designed fighting creature of incredible strength and practically invulnerable to missile fire. Its pincers alone can crush steel.


Lobsterman Autopsy

Once past its virtually indestructible shell the creature is an amazing construction. Powerful muscles ripple around a titanium skeleton, a sophisticated targeting system with multi-band scanning ability is hooked directly into the creature's brain. Its multiple eyes are protected by harder than steel plastics and it is clear that when well deployed by their masters these creatures are all but unstoppable.

Buried deep in its body are devices of unknown construction and function.

See Also