XCOM (EU2012)

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Council Message
Blue badge XCOM EU

"Hello Commander,

In light of the recent extraterrestrial incursion, this council of nations has convened to approve the activation of the XCOM Project.
You have been chosen to lead this initiative.
To oversee our first... and last line of defense.
Your efforts will have considerable influence on this planet's future.
We urge you to keep that in mind as you proceed.
Good luck Commander."

Source: XCOM: Enemy Unknown (2012)

Tasked with the role of investigating and stopping the growing alien threat, XCOM started its operations on March 2015, under the motto "Vigilo Confido" (I am watchful. I am relied upon.)"

XCOM Headquarters

XCOM Organization (EU2012).png

In order to execute the orders issued by the Funding Council, the XCOM Commander has at his/her disposal XCOM's HQ and its resources to develop and implement a strategy to defeat the Aliens. The player will have to skillfully coordinate all its aspects of operations in order to achieve the victory conditions. XCOM HQ's operations against the extraterrestrial life forms are divided into six main areas:

  • Mission Control - Led by Officer Bradford, responsible for detecting and intercepting UFO through XCOM's satellite network and Interceptors, and to launch and Skyranger transport craft carrying squads on combat missions against the extraterrestrial invaders.
  • Hangar - For maintenance and repair of aircraft, it houses the single Skyranger transport craft and Interceptors and allows to purchase, equip and deploy Interceptors throughout the world's continents to engage the UFOs.
  • Research - Under the supervision of Chief Scientist Dr. Vahlen, in charge of all projects being pursued at the Science Lab and Laboratories regarding the alien life forms and the development of new technologies developed from artifacts recovered during combat missions.
  • Engineering - Led by Chief Engineer Dr. Raymond Shen, his engineers are responsible for all projects at the Workshops and Foundry that reverse engineer the Aliens' advanced technologies and puts them in XCOM use. Engineering is also responsible for Base Facilities' management and expansion to maximize and augment HQ's capacities regarding the other main areas.
  • Barracks - Everything related with the ground troops that will fight and ultimately defeat the aliens on the ground, including hiring/sacking, equipping, promotions/training and injury recovery.
  • Situation Room - Where the Commander may manage XCOM's financial resources, receive monthly reports and special missions from the Council, manage Panic levels, launch built satellites and sell advanced technology at the Grey Market, as well as keep track of XCOM's objectives.

War Objectives

"Two possibilities exist: either we are alone in the Universe or we are not. Both are equally terrifying" - Arthur C. Clarke

In order for Earth to win the war against the Aliens the XCOM Commander will have to use and manage wisely XCOM's resources in order to achieve two goals:

  • To discover and stop the invaders' agenda - by capturing live aliens and recovering alien artifacts in order to study and use their advanced technology to discover and stop their intentions. In order to achieve this XCOM will have to achieve a number of specific objectives that will be outlined on the Situation Room.
  • To prevent the closure of the XCOM project - by maintaining a satisfactory performance to the Council and preventing that high panic levels cause a total of eight Earth nations to leave the project sign pacts with the Aliens, which will automatically end XCOM.

In order for Earth to win the war, XCOM will have to follow a strategy that allows it to complete both goals. If XCOM fails to achieve both goals Earth will be powerless to stop the alien invasion and humanity will have to surrender its fate to its new masters.


In order to achieve XCOM's strategic goals, its Commander will have to coordinate and prioritize the HQ's six main areas. Each area has different missions and requirements and all affect one another, as listed on the table below.

Base Operations
Area Priority/Mission Tasks required
Mission Control Detect and stop UFO/alien attacks
Recover Aliens and technology
Perform any additional combat missions
Expand and defend the satellite network
Intercept and shoot down UFOs on missions
Assault and capture crashed/landed UFOs
Stop alien missions
Hangar Expand Interceptor deployment
Defend satellite network
Acquire sufficient Interceptors for continent coverage
Upgrade interceptors fleet with new technologies
Research Investigate the Aliens, their advanced technology and their intentions
Develop applications of alien technology
Examine recovered alien artifacts and perform autopsies
Conduct interrogations on captured aliens
Expand scientist pool or built labs
Engineering Develop and manufacture tech upgrades
Provide engineers to build and operate facilities
Increase base abilites and efficiency
Manufacture advanced weapons and equipment
Build the Foundry for advanced weapons projects
Enlarge and maximize workshop capacity
Have enough engineers for all required projects
Build additional/upgraded facilities
Satisfy power needs for expansion
Increase building space
Maximize facility bonuses
Acquire required credits/materials for construction
Soldiers Provide mission capable squads Hire soldiers and upgrade their equipment
Retain a pool of experienced soldiers
Minimize casualties and recovery time
Maximize promotions and combat training
Built the Officer Training School for additional abilities
Situation Room Secure/increase funding and resources
Prevent countries from leaving XCOM
Receive Council info and intelligence
Improve XCOM's performance
Manage panic levels
Sell advanced tech on the Grey Market
Expand satellite network for country/continent bonuses
Perform Council missions for additional rewards
Complete the listed required game objectives for victory

Due to lack of enough starting resources it will be impossible to satisfy the needs of all those areas. Thus, when elaborating XCOM's strategy it will also have to prioritize some at the expense of others. To help in the Commander on this task, the UFOPaedia and all the data it contains is at your disposition to plan a strategy to stop and defeat the alien invasion.

See Also