Melee Weapons (Piratez)

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Melee weapons are a crucial part of swashbuckling for your hands, especially during the early part of your piracy career. You'll find yourself lacking any real firearms that pack a decent punch or constantly low on ammunition. Your hands can utilize most firearms found on incapacitated or dead enemies, you'll quickly discover a lack of clips or magazines.

This is where melee weapons come in, and they can pack a whollop of pain at the cost of closing range with the opposing forces. Most melee weapons scale with your hands' statistics, so once you find a good fit for a pirate, they can stick with it until you have access to upgraded forms. Most melee weapons can inflict wounds, so keep this in mind if you are trying to stun enemies because they may bleed out while incapacitated.

Notable mentions regarding close combat is some enemies may be capable of dodging a portion of melee, so accuracy % may not always be completely accurate. Lastly, striking a foe is highly dependent on armor and direction; hitting an enemy in power armor right in the chest is not wise, whereas charging them from behind is much more successful.

Quick Reference Guide

Weapon Weight Size Usage Accuracy Modifier Type Amount Damage Bonus(es) Additional Effects(s)
Bare Hands 0 N/A Punch! - 8 TUs, 2 Energy Melee - 1*(0.5*Melee+0.5*Reactions) Daze 0 Damage+0.25*Strength+0.25*Melee Inflicts 0.15*Dmg to Health
Wrestling 0 N/A Wrestling - 15 TUs, 6 Energy Melee - 1.2*(0.5*Melee+0.5*Bravery) Daze 0 Damage+0.35*Strength+0.15*Melee Inflicts 0.1*Dmg to Health, 3*Dmg to Time Units, 3*Dmg to Energy, 3*Dmg to Morale
Gauntlet 0 N/A Punch! - 10 TUs, 3 Energy Melee - 0.9*(1*Melee) Daze 5 Damage+0.4*Strength+0.2*Melee Inflicts 0.35*Dmg to Health
Super Gauntlet 0 N/A Punch! - 12 TUs, 4 Energy Melee - 0.9*(1*Melee) Daze 10 Damage+0.5*Strength+0.2*Melee+0.3*Bravery Inflicts 0.35*Dmg to Health
Clawed Gauntlet 0 N/A Punch! - 9 TUs, 4 Energy Melee - 1.1*(0.5*Melee+0.5*Reactions) Cutting 20 Damage+0.25*Strength+0.25*Reactions Inflicts 2*Dmg to Health, Inflicts 10*Dmg to Morale
Martial Arts 0 N/A Triple Blow - 12 TUs, 4 Energy,
Round Kick - 30 TUs, 12 Energy,
Punch! 6 TUs, 2 Energy
SMelee - 1.25*(0.5*Melee+0.5*Reaction)
Melee - 1.25*(0.5*Melee+0.5*Reaction)
Daze 0 SMelee - Damage+0.5*Strength+0.2*Melee+0.3*Bravery
Melee - Damage+0.25*Strength+0.25*Melee
SMelee - Inflicts 0.2*Dmg to Health
Melee - Inflicts 0.1*Dmg to Health
Fistycuffs 3 1x1 Melee - 8 TUs, 2 Energy
Throw - 30 TUs, 6 Energy
Melee - 0.90*(1*Melee) Daze 5 Damage+0.35*Strength+0.2*Melee Inflicts 0.35*Dmg to Health
Spiked Knuckles 3 1x1 Melee - 9 TUs, 2 Energy
Throw - 30 TUs, 6 Energy
Melee - 0.85*(1*Melee) Daze 5 Damage+0.35*Strength+0.2*Melee Inflicts 0.65*Dmg to Health, Inflicts 5*Dmg to Morale
Shock'a'Fist 3 1x1 Melee - 8 TUs, 2 Energy
Throw - 30 TUs, 6 Energy
Melee - 0.95*(1*Melee) Electric 30 Damage+0.4*Strength+0.1*Melee Inflicts 1.5*Dmg to Stun
Handle 4 2x1 Melee - 9 TUs, 3 Energy
Throw - 30 TUs, 8 Energy
Melee - 0.85*(50+0.5*Melee) Daze 10 Damage+0.2*Strength+0.35*Bravery Inflicts 0.15*Dmg to Health, -22*Dmg to Morale
Stun Baton 3 2x1 Melee - 7 TUs, 2 Energy
Throw - 30 TUs, 8 Energy
Melee - 0.95*(05*Reactions+0.5*Melee) Electric 20 Damage+0.2*Reactions Inflicts 0*Dmg to Health, 1*Dmg to Stun
Shiv 2 1x1 Melee - 5 TUs, 2 Energy
Throw - 30 TUs, 6 Energy
Melee - 0.75*(0.5*Melee+50) Cutting 15 Damage+0.1*Bravery+0.1*Reactions
Razor 2 1x1 Melee - 6 TUs, 2 Energy
Throw - 30 TUs, 6 Energy
Melee - 0.75*(0.5*Melee+0.5*Reactions) Cutting 10 Damage+0.25*Bravery+0.1*Reactions
Machete 3 2x1 Melee - 6 TUs, 2 Energy
Throw - 30 TUs, 6 Energy
Melee - 0.90*(50+0.5*Melee) Cutting 20 Damage+0.2*Strength+0.1*Melee
Bandit Knife 3 2x1 Melee - 6 TUs, 2 Energy
Throw - 30 TUs, 6 Energy
Melee - 0.9*(0.5*Melee+50) Cutting 20 Damage+0.15*Bravery+0.1*Melee Inflicts 5*Dmg to Morale
Dagger 3 2x1 Melee - 7 TUs, 2 Energy
Throw - 30 TUs, 6 Energy
Melee - 1*(0.5*Melee+0.5*Reactions) Cutting 20 Damage+0.2*Reactions+0.1*Melee
Chitin Knife 3 2x1 Melee - 9 TUs, 2 Energy
Throw - 30 TUs, 6 Energy
Melee - 1*(0.5*Melee+0.5*Reactions) Cutting 25 Damage+0.25*Bravery+0.2*Strength
Barbed Dagger 4 2x1 Melee - 8 TUs, 3 Energy
Throw - 30 TUs, 8 Energy
Melee - 1*(0.5*Melee+0.5*Reactions) Cutting 20 Damage+0.4*Strength+0.1*Melee Inflicts 10*Dmg to Morale
Long Knife 4 2x1 Melee - 8 TUs, 3 Energy
Throw - 30 TUs, 8 Energy
Melee - 1.1*(0.5*Melee+0.5*Bravery) Cutting 20 Damage+0.1*Strength+0.3*Bravery
Poisoned Dagger 4 2x1 Melee - 9 TUs, 3 Energy
Throw - 30 TUs, 8 Energy
Melee - 0.85*(0.5*Melee+0.5*Reactions) Bio 20 Damage+0.3*Reactions Inflicts 1*Dmg to Daze
Vibro Blade 3 2x1 Melee - 7 TUs, 2 Energy
Throw - 30 TUs, 6 Energy
Melee - 1.05*(0.5*Melee+0.5*Reactions) Cutting 20 Damage+0.2*Reactions+0.2*Melee
Plasma Dagger 4 2x1 Melee - 12 TUs, 3 Energy
Throw - 30 TUs, 8 Energy
Melee - 1.2*(0.5*Melee+0.5*Reactions) Plasma 44 Damage+0.3*Reactions Inflicts 0.5*Dmg to Daze, Inflicts 2*Dmg to Morale
Ghost Dagger 2 2x1 Melee - 7 TUs, 7 Energy
Throw - 30 TUs, 6 Energy
Melee - 1.05*(1*Melee) Mind 0 Damage+0.3*PsiStrength+0.2*PsiSkill+0.2*Reactions Inflicts 7*Dmg to Morale
Mono-Claws 7 2x1 Melee - 7 TUs, 5 Energy
Throw - 30 TUs, 14 Energy
Melee - 1*(1*Melee) Cutting 25 Damage+0.3*Strength+0.3*Melee
Monstermano 4 2x1 Melee - 8 TUs, 3 Energy
Throw - 30 TUs, 6 Energy
Melee - 0.95*(0.5*Melee+0.5*Reactions) Cutting 15 Damage+0.2*Bravery+0.2*Melee Inflicts 20*Dmg to Morale, Inflicts 0.5*Dmg to Daze
Pipe 5 2x1 Melee - 11 TUs, 3 Energy
Throw - 30 TUs, 10 Energy
Melee - 0.8*(50+0.5*Melee) Concussive 15 Damage+0.55*Strength Inflicts 1.25*Dmg to Daze
Wrench 8 3x1 Melee - 13 TUs, 6 Energy
Throw - 30 TUs, 10 Energy
Melee - 0.75*(50+0.5*Melee) Concussive 20 Damage+0.6*Strength+1*Rank Inflicts 1*Dmg to Daze
Holy Club 12 2x2 Melee - 13 TUs, 8 Energy
Throw - 30 TUs, 20 Energy
Melee - 1*(0.5*Reactions+0.5*Melee) Concussive 25 Damage+0.3*Strength+0.3*Bravery Inflicts 10*Dmg to Morale, Inflicts 1.5*Dmg to Daze
Sickle 6 2x1 Melee - 15 TUs, 4 Energy
Throw - 30 TUs, 12 Energy
Melee - 0.80*(50+0.5*Melee) Cutting 25 Damage+0.1*Strength+0.4*Bravery Inflicts 10*Dmg to Morale
Rusty Blade 6 2x2 Melee - 10 TUs, 4 Energy
Throw - 30 TUs, 12 Energy
Melee - 0.90*(1*Melee) Cutting 30 Damage+0.2*Strength+0.2*Bravery
Cutlass 5 2x2 Melee - 8 TUs, 3 Energy
Throw - 30 TUs, 12 Energy
Melee - 1*(1*Melee) Cutting 30 Damage+0.15*Strength+0.15*Reactions+0.15*Melee
Sudoku Blade 5 2x2 Melee - 8 TUs, 3 Energy
Throw - 30 TUs, 12 Energy
Melee - 1.05*(1*Melee) Cutting 25 Damage+0.15*Reactions+0.25*Melee+0.1*PsiStrength
Rapier 6 3x1 Melee - 9 TUs, 4 Energy
Throw - 30 TUs, 12 Energy
Melee - 1.05*(1*Melee) Cutting 25 Damage+0.4*Melee
Vibro Sword 7 3x1 Melee - 9 TUs, 5 Energy
Throw - 30 TUs, 14 Energy
Melee - 1.1*(1*Melee) Cutting 30 Damage+0.1*Strength+0.4*Melee
Saber 7 3x1 Melee - 10 TUs, 5 Energy
Throw - 30 TUs, 14 Energy
Melee - 1.2*(1*Melee) Cutting 35 Damage+0.4*Strength+0.25*Melee
Longsword 8 3x1 Melee - 12 TUs, 5 Energy
Throw - 30 TUs, 16 Energy
Melee - 1.15*(1*Melee) Cutting 40 Damage+0.5*Strength+0.2*Melee
Tech Blade 10 3x1 Melee - 12 TUs, 7 Energy
Throw - 30 TUs, 20 Energy
Melee - 1.1*(1*Melee) Cutting 50 Damage+0.5*Strength+0.2*Melee
Electro-Sword 9 3x1 Melee - 12 TUs, 6 Energy
Throw - 30 TUs, 18 Energy
Melee - 1.1*(1*Melee) Cutting 60 Damage+0.7*Strength+0.2*Melee Inflicts 1*Dmg to Daze
Vampiric Sword 9 3x1 Melee - 12 TUs, 6 Energy
Throw - 30 TUs, 20 Energy
Melee - 0.88*(1*Melee+1*PsiStrength) Cutting 40 Damage+0.25*Strength+0.25*Melee+0.25*PsiStrength
Ninja Stick 6 3x1 Melee - 9 TUs, 4 Energy
Throw - 30 TUs, 12 Energy
Melee - 1.1*(1*Melee) Daze 20 Damage+0.1*Strength+0.3*Melee Inflicts 0.2*Dmg to Health
Slaver's Cane 8 2x2 Melee - 11 TUs, 6 Energy
Throw - 30 TUs, 16 Energy
Melee - 0.9*(1*Melee) Daze 25 Damage+0.25*Strength+0.4*Bravery Inflicts 0.1*Dmg to Health
Ball Bat 7 3x1 Melee - 12 TUs, 4 Energy
Throw - 30 TUs, 14 Energy
Melee - 0.9*(65+0.35*Melee) Daze 25 Damage+0.3*Strength Inflicts 0.65*Dmg to Health
Powerball Bat 7 3x1 Melee - 12 TUs, 12 Energy
Throw - 30 TUs, 14 Energy
Melee - 1.1*(33+0.33*Melee+0.66*PsiStrength) Concussive 25 Damage+0.2*Strength+0.2*Bravery+0.2*PsiStrength Inflicts 2*Dmg to Daze
Bone Club 6 3x1 Melee - 11 TUs, 4 Energy
Throw - 30 TUs, 12 Energy
Melee - 0.95*(50+0.5*Melee) Daze 20 Damage+0.2*Strength+0.3*Bravery Inflicts 1*Dmg to Health
Heavy Baton 10 3x1 Melee - 14 TUs, 6 Energy
Throw - 30 TUs, 20 Energy
Melee - 1*(50+0.5*Melee) Daze 25 Damage+0.5*Strength Inflicts 0.5*Dmg to Health
Spiked Mace 16 3x1 Melee - 16 TUs, 12 Energy
Throw - 30 TUs, 20 Energy
Melee - 0.9*(50+0.5*Melee) Concussive 30 Damage+0.75*Strength Inflicts 1*Dmg to Daze
Iron Rod 22 3x1 Melee - 18 TUs, 15 Energy
Throw - 30 TUs, 20 Energy
Melee - 1*(0.5*Strength+0.5*Melee) Concussive 40 Damage+0.8*Strength+0.4*PsiStrength Inflicts 2*Dmg to Daze
Billhook 8 3x1 Melee - 15 TUs, 5 Energy
Throw - 30 TUs, 16 Energy
Melee - 0.85*(50+0.5*Melee) Cutting 40 Damage+0.3*Strength+0.3*Bravery Inflicts 10*Dmg to Morale
Tech Cleaver 9 3x1 Melee - 15 TUs, 6 Energy
Throw - 30 TUs, 18 Energy
Melee - 0.90*(50+0.5*Melee) Cutting 50 Damage+0.2*Strength+0.5*Bravery
Stone Hatchet 10 3x1 Melee - 12 TUs, 7 Energy
Throw - 30 TUs, 20 Energy
Melee - 1.25*(0.5*Melee+0.5*Throwing) Cutting 40 Damage+0.6*Strength+0.1*Melee
Aqua Hatchet 9 3x1 Melee - 11 TUs, 6 Energy
Throw - 30 TUs, 20 Energy
Melee - 1.25*(0.5*Melee+0.5*Throwing) Cutting 40 Damage+0.6*Strength+0.1*Melee
Ax 12 3x1 Melee - 14 TUs, 8 Energy
Throw - 30 TUs, 20 Energy
Melee - 0.90*(1*Melee) Cutting 50 Damage+0.7*Strength+0.1*Melee
Vibro-Ax 16 3x1 Melee - 14 TUs, 10 Energy
Throw - 30 TUs, 20 Energy
Melee - 1*(1*Melee) Cutting 85 Damage+0.7*Strength+0.1*Melee
Electro-Claw 18 2x2 Melee - 14 TUs, 12 Energy
Throw - 30 TUs, 20 Energy
Melee - 1.1*(0.5*Melee+0.5*Reactions) Cutting 50 Damage+0.5*Strength+0.3*Bravery Inflicts 10*Dmg to Morale, Inflicts 2*Dmg to Health, Inflicts 1*Dmg to Daze
Blood Ax 16 3x1 Melee - 15 TUs, 10 Energy
Throw - 30 TUs, 20 Energy
Melee - 1.05*(1*Melee) Cutting 88 Damage+0.7*Strength+0.1*Melee
Force Blade 4 3x1 Melee - 8 TUs, 2 Energy
Throw - 30 TUs, 8 Energy
Melee - 1.25*(1*Melee) Laser 40 Damage+0.4*Melee
Plasma Sword 9 3x1 Melee - 18 TUs, 6 Energy
Throw - 30 TUs, 18 Energy
Melee - 1.5*(1*Melee) Plasma 72 Damage+0.4*Reactions Inflicts 0.5*Dmg to Daze, Inflicts 2*Dmg to Morale
Mace of Power 18 3x1 Snap - 20 TUs, 13 Energy
Melee - 20 TUs, 13 Energy
Throw - 30 TUs, 20 Energy
Snap - 0.9*(0.5*Melee+0.5*Strength)
Melee - 0.9*(0.5*Melee+0.5*Strength)
Shot - Plasma
Melee - Plasma
Shot - 80
Melee - 80
Shot - Damage+0.6*Strength
Melee - Damage+0.6*Strength
Shot - Inflicts 1.5*Dmg to Daze, Inflicts 2*Dmg to Morale, Maximum Range (1),
Melee - Inflicts 0.2*Dmg to Health
Toxi-Lance 12 3x1 Melee - 12 TUs, 6 Energy
Throw - 30 TUs, 20 Energy
Melee - 0.9*(0.5*Melee+0.5*Reactions) Bio 40 Damage+0.4*Reactions+0.15*Bravery Inflicts 2*Dmg to Daze,Inflicts 5*Dmg to Energy,Inflicts 25*Dmg to Morale
Short Bamboo Combat Stick 5 3x1 Melee - 14 TUs, 4 Energy
Throw - 30 TUs, 14 Energy
Melee - 1.5*(0.5*Melee+0.5*Throwing) Piercing 25 Damage+0.6*Throwing Inflicts 1.32*Dmg to Health
Aqua Trident 15 3x2 Melee - 17 TUs, 10 Energy
Throw - 30 TUs, 14 Energy
Melee - 1.3*(0.5*Melee+0.5*Throwing) Piercing 40 Damage+0.3*Strength+0.4*Throwing Inflicts 2*Dmg to TUs
Shepherd's Staff 6 3x1 Melee - 15 TUs, 4 Energy
Throw - 30 TUs, 8 Energy
Melee - 1.33*(50+0.25*Melee+0.25*Throwing) Daze 15 Damage+0.3*Strength+0.3*Bravery Inflicts 10*Dmg to Morale, Inflicts 0.1*Dmg to Health
Quarterstaff 8 3x2 Snap - 21 TUs, 8 Energy
Melee - 14 TUs, 6 Energy
Throw - 30 TUs, 8 Energy
Snap - 1.24*(33+0.33*Melee+0.33*Throwing)
Melee - 1.44*(33+0.33*Melee+0.33*Throwing)
Daze 15 Damage+0.2*Melee+0.3*Bravery Inflicts 0.2*Dmg to Health
Cattle Prod 6 3x1 Melee - 20 TUs, 3 Energy
Throw - 30 TUs, 12 Energy
Melee - 1.25*(50+0.5*Melee) Electric 70 None Inflicts 0*Dmg to Health, 1*Dmg to Daze
Impaler 9 3x1 Snap - 30% base TUs, 10 Energy
Melee - 16 TUs, 6 Energy
Throw - 30 TUs, 14 Energy
Snap - 1*(1*Firing+1*PsiStrength+1*PsiSkill)
Melee - 1.5*(0.5*Melee+0.5*Throwing)
Shot - Warp
Melee - Piercing
Shot - 0
Melee - 40
Shot - Damage+0.03*PsiStrength^2
Melee - Damage+0.2*Strength+0.6*Throwing
Shot - Inflicts 0.0*Dmg to Health, Inflicts 1*Dmg to Daze, Inflicts 1*Dmg to TUs, Inflicts 20*Dmg to Morale
Melee - Inflicts 1*Dmg to Daze, Inflicts 4*Dmg to TUs, Inflicts 20*Dmg to Morale
Cat Paws 4 1x2 Melee - 5 TUs, 3 Energy
Throw - 30 TUs, 8 Energy
Melee - 1*(0.5*Melee+0.5*Reactions) Cutting 15 Damage+0.15*Bravery+0.15*Reactions
Pitchfork 9 3x1 Melee - 13 TUs, 6 Energy
Throw - 30 TUs, 16 Energy
Melee - 0.9*(50+0.5*Melee) Piercing 35 Damage+0.2*Strength+0.2*Bravery Inflicts 0.5*Dmg to Daze, Inflicts 2*Dmg to TU
Shovel 8 3x1 Melee - 15 TUs, 5 Energy
Throw - 30 TUs, 16 Energy
Melee - 0.80*(65+0.35*Melee) Cutting 35 Damage+0.5*Strength Inflicts 2*Dmg to Daze
Mr. Handy 13 3x2 Melee - 14 TUs, 7 Energy
Throw - 30 TUs, 20 Energy
Melee - 0.80*(65+0.33*Melee) Daze 20 Damage+0.4*Strength+0.3*Bravery Inflicts 1*Dmg to Health
Great Club 24 3x2 Melee - 22 TUs, 16 Energy
Throw - 30 TUs, 20 Energy
Melee - 1*(33+0.33*Strenght+0.33*Melee) Concussive 40 Damage+1*Strength Inflicts 1.25*Dmg to Daze
Spear 7 3x2 Melee - 18 TUs, 5 Energy
Throw - 30 TUs, 14 Energy
Melee - 1.5*(33+0.33*Melee+0.33*Throwing) Piercing 30 Damage+0.2*Strength+0.4*Throwing
Pike 12 3x1 Snap - 22 TUs, 12 Energy
Throw - 30 TUs, 20 Energy
Snap - 1.25*(0.5*Melee+0.5*Throwing) Piercing 35 Damage+0.4*Strength+0.25*Throwing Maximum Range (3)
Barbaric Sword 18 3x2 Melee - 13 TUs, 13 Energy
Throw - 30 TUs, 20 Energy
Melee - 1.1*(1*Melee) Cutting 55 Damage+0.65*Strength+0.2*Melee
Fuso Sword 11 3x2 Melee - 12 TUs, 7 Energy
Throw - 30 TUs, 20 Energy
Melee - 1.2*(1*Melee) Cutting 50 Damage+0.5*Melee
Barbaric Ax 22 3x2 Melee - 17 TUs, 15 Energy
Throw - 30 TUs, 20 Energy
Melee - 0.9*(1*Melee) Cutting 65 Damage+0.85*Strength+0.1*Melee
Bardiche 22 3x2 Melee - 18 TUs, 15 Energy
Throw - 30 TUs, 20 Energy
Melee - 0.95*(1*Melee) Cutting 75 Damage+0.9*Strength+0.15*Melee
Hellblade 20 3x2 Aimed - 75% base TUs, 60 Energy, 90 Morale
Melee - 12 TUs, 13 Energy, 15 Morale
Throw - 30 TUs, 20 Energy
Aimed - 1.25*(1*PsiStrength+1*PsiSkill)
Melee - 1.25*(1*Melee)
Shot - Warp
Melee - Cutting
Shot - 0
Melee - 60
Shot - Damage+0.7*Strength+0.2*Melee+1*PsiStrength
Melee - Damage+0.7*Strength+0.2*Melee+1*PsiStrength
Officer's Lash 3 2x1 Melee - 9 TUs, 9 Energy, 9 Morale
Throw - 30 TUs, 6 Energy
Melee - 0.90 Melee - Daze Melee - 0 Melee - Damage+0.001*PsiStrength^2+0.0005*Bravery^2+1*Rank^2 Inflicts 1*Dmg to Daze, Restores 3*Dmg to Morale, 0.75*Dmg to TUs
Master's Cane 20 3x2 Use - 25 TUs, 14 Energy, 7 Morale
Melee - 8 TUs, 3 Energy
Throw - 30 TUs, 10 Energy
Aimed - 0.20*(0.01*Psi+2*Rank)
Melee - 0.91*(0.5*Melee+50)
Shot - Warp
Melee - Daze
Shot - 0
Melee - 15
Shot - Damage+*0.01*Psi+2*Rank
Melee - Damage+0.2*Strength+0.2*Melee
Shot - Inflicts 3*Dmg to Morale
Melee - Inflicts 0.2*Dmg to Health
Fan 3 2x1 Melee - 7 TUs, 2 Energy
Throw - 30 TUs, 6 Energy
Melee - 1.25*(0.5*Melee+0.5*Reactions) Daze 0 Damage+0.3*Reactions+0.2*Melee Inflicts 0.1*Dmg to Health, 15*Dmg to Morale
Hammer 25 3x1 Melee - 24 TUs, 16 Energy
Throw - 30 TUs, 20 Energy
Melee - 0.9*(0.5*Strength+0.5*Melee) Concussive 60 Damage+1*Strength Inflicts 1*Dmg to Daze
Pickaxe 12 2x2 Snap - 20 TUs, 9 Energy
Throw - 30 TUs, 20 Energy
Snap - 0.6*(50+0.50*Melee) Piercing 20 Damage+0.5*Strength Inflicts 1*Dmg to Terrain, Maximum Range (1)
Manacles 5 2x1 Auto - 96% base TUs, 10 Energy
Throw - 30 TUs, 10 Energy
Auto - 0.6*(1*Strength) Daze 22 None Inflicts 1*Dmg to Daze, Inflicts 0*Dmg to Health, Maximum Range (1)
Ripper 6 2x1 Snap - 10% Base TUs, 2 Energy
Auto - 18% Base TUs, 3 Energy
Throw - 30 TUs, 12 Energy
Snap - 1.25*(0.5*Melee+0.5*Reactions)
Auto - 1.25*(0.5*Melee+0.5*Reactions)
Cutting 30 None Maximum Range (1)
Chainsaw 9 3x1 Auto - 30% base TUs, 6 Energy
Throw - 30 TUs, 18 Energy
Auto - 1.1*(65+0.35*Melee) Cutting 35 None Maximum Range (1)
Loli Chainsaw 8 3x1 Auto - 24% base TUs, 5 Energy
Throw - 30 TUs, 18 Energy
Auto - 1.2*(65+0.35*Melee) Cutting 15 Damage+0.4*Bravery Maximum Range (1)
Auto-Ax 16 3x2 Auto - 30% base TUs, 8 Energy
Throw - 30 TUs, 20 Energy
Auto - 1.25*(65+0.35*Melee) Cutting 65 None Maximum Range (1)
Heavy Chainsaw 24 3x2 Auto - 30% base TUs, 10 Energy
Throw - 30 TUs, 20 Energy
Auto - 1.5*(65+0.35*Melee) Cutting 110 None Maximum Range (1)
Rope 4 2x1 Melee - 55% base TUs, 16 Energy
Throw - 30 TUs, 8 Energy
Melee - 1.25*(0.5*Throwing+0.5*Strength+0.5*Reactions) Daze 0 Damage+0.15*Strength+0.15*Bravery Uses Choking Resistance, Inflicts 0.2*Dmg to Health, Inflicts 2*Dmg to Energy
Ninja Sickle 5 2x2 Snap - 28 TUs, 10 Energy
Melee - 9 TUs, 3 Energy
Throw - 30 TUs, 10 Energy
Snap - 1*(0.5*Throwing+0.5*Reactions)
Melee - 0.9*(0.5*Throwing+0.5*Reactions)
Snap - Cutting
Melee - Cutting
15 Snap - Damage+0.2*Throwing+0.3*Reactions
Melee - Damage+0.1*Throwing+0.3*Reactions
Snap - Inflicts 2*Dmg to TUs, Inflicts 15*Dmg to Morale, Maximum Range (5)
Melee - Inflicts 10*Dmg to Morale
Leather Whip 3 2x1 Snap - 14 TUs, 4 Energy
Throw - 30 TUs, 8 Energy
Snap - 1.25*(0.5*Throwing+0.5*Melee) Daze 5 Damage+0.3*Throwing Inflicts 0.1*Dmg to Health, Inflicts 3*Dmg to TUs, Inflicts 15*Dmg to Morale, Maximum Range (3)
Neural Whip 4 2x1 Snap - 15 TUs, 6 Energy
Throw - 30 TUs, 8 Energy
Snap - 1*(0.5*Throwing+0.5*Melee) Mind 70 None Inflicts 0*Dmg to Health, Inflicts 1.5*Dmg to Daze, Maximum Range (3)
Purgatory Whip 5 3x2 Snap - 17 TUs, 8 Energy
Throw - 30 TUs, 10 Energy
Snap - 0.8*(0.5*Throwing+0.5*Melee) Burn 0 Damage+0.5*Strength+1*PsiStrength Inflicts 2*Dmg to TUs, Inflicts 15*Dmg to Morale, Maximum Range (5)
Electric Lasso 7 2x2 Aimed - 32 TUs, 14 Energy
Throw - 30 TUs, 14 Energy
Aimed - 0.96*(0.5*Reaction) Electric 60 None Inflicts 0*Dmg to Health, Inflicts 1*Dmg to Daze, Inflicts 2*Dmg to TUs, Inflicts 4*Dmg to Energy, Maximum Range (7)
Anchor 72 3x2 Aimed - 64% base TUs, 48 Energy
Melee - 24 TUs, 24 Energy
Throw - 30 TUs, 20 Energy
Aimed - 1*(1*Strength)
Melee - 0.75*(1*Strength)
Aimed - Concussive
Melee - Daze
0 Aimed - Damage+(2*Strength)
Melee - Damage+(1.5*Strength)
Aimed - Inflicts 0.75*Dmg to Daze, Maximum Range (6)
Melee - Inflicts 0.75*Dmg to Daze
Round Shield 6 2x2 Melee - 12 TUs, 4 Energy Melee - 0.85*(0.5*Melee+0.5*Bravery) Daze 15 Damage+0.35*Strength+0.2*Melee Inflicts 0.3*Dmg to Health
Piroman Shield 8 3x2 Melee - 14 TUs, 8 Energy Melee - 0.8*(0.5*Melee+0.5*Bravery) Daze 10 Damage+0.5*Strength+0.2*Melee Inflicts 0.2*Dmg to Health
Crusader Shield 12 3x2 Melee - 14 TUs, 10 Energy Melee - 0.95*(0.5*Melee+0.5*Bravery) Daze 15 Damage+0.6*Strength+0.2*Melee Inflicts 0.3*Dmg to Health
Gothic Shield 16 3x2 Melee - 14 TUs, 10 Energy Melee - 0.90*(0.5*Melee+0.5*Bravery) Daze 15 Damage+0.6*Strength+0.2*Melee Inflicts 0.3*Dmg to Health
Tower Shield 24 3x2 Melee - 16 TUs, 16 Energy Melee - 0.9*(0.5*Melee+0.5*Bravery) Daze 20 Damage++0.7*Strength+0.2*Melee Inflicts 0.25*Dmg to Health
Handheld Energy Shield 6 2x2 Melee - 12 TUs, 4 Energy
Throw - 30 TUs, 12 Energy
Melee - 0.8*(0.5*Melee+0.5*Bravery) Daze 15 Damage+0.3*Strength+0.2*Melee Inflicts 0.3*Dmg to Health
Personal Shield Matrix 8 2x2 Throw - 30 TUs, 16 Energy None Daze 18 None Activation Cost: 20 TUs

Individual Weapon Entries

Bare Hands
Bare Hands

"What our ancestors had to use all the time before they invented the first weapons. Still worth mastering, in case if all your equipment gets... displaced. Minor accuracy penalty when one hand is occupied. (Click on empty hand to use)."

Weight Size Usage Accuracy Modifier Type Amount Damage Bonus(es) Additional Effects(s)
0 N/A Punch! - 8 TUs, 2 Energy Melee - 1*(0.5*Melee+0.5*Reactions) Daze 0 Damage+0.25*Strength+0.25*Melee Inflicts 0.15*Dmg to Health

Lorem ipsum
Source: Piratez Bootypedia


"This type of unarmed attack is much slower and more exhausting than a punch, as it involves full body contact with the opponent. While the attack isn't any more damaging, it is more accurate and ignores half of enemy's armor, as well as inflicts serious Energy, Time Units and Morale secondary damage. Despite being slow, it trains both Melee and Reactions skills. Accuracy depends on high Melee and Bravery. Major accuracy penalty when one hand is occupied."

Weight Size Usage Accuracy Modifier Type Amount Damage Bonus(es) Additional Effects(s)
0 N/A Wrestling - 15 TUs, 6 Energy Melee - 1.2*(0.5*Melee+0.5*Bravery) Daze 0 Damage+0.35*Strength+0.15*Melee Inflicts 0.1*Dmg to Health, 3*Dmg to Time Units, 3*Dmg to Energy, 3*Dmg to Morale

Lorem ipsum
Source: Piratez Bootypedia


"Some armors are weapons in their own right. When wearing them, you can always execute a powerful gauntlet attack."

Weight Size Usage Accuracy Modifier Type Amount Damage Bonus(es) Additional Effects(s)
0 N/A Punch! - 10 TUs, 3 Energy Melee - 0.9*(1*Melee) Daze 5 Damage+0.4*Strength+0.2*Melee Inflicts 0.35*Dmg to Health

Lorem ipsum
Source: Piratez Bootypedia

Super Gauntlet

"This kind of gauntlet delivers more powerful attacks, especially when used by a brave warrior. It is also far better at defeating armor. Standard equipment of the Junkmaster suit."

Weight Size Usage Accuracy Modifier Type Amount Damage Bonus(es) Additional Effects(s)
0 N/A Punch! - 12 TUs, 4 Energy Melee - 0.9*(1*Melee) Daze 10 Damage+0.5*Strength+0.2*Melee+0.3*Bravery Inflicts 0.35*Dmg to Health

Lorem ipsum
Source: Piratez Bootypedia

Clawed Gauntlet

"A gauntlet with super-sharp Plastasteel claws, just perfect for slicing throats. It is a part of certain armors. It can struggle with heavy armor, but if it hits true, it deals very deep wounds."

Weight Size Usage Accuracy Modifier Type Amount Damage Bonus(es) Additional Effects(s)
0 N/A Punch! - 9 TUs, 4 Energy Melee - 1.1*(0.5*Melee+0.5*Reactions) Cutting 20 Damage+0.25*Strength+0.25*Reactions Inflicts 2*Dmg to Health, Inflicts 10*Dmg to Morale

Lorem ipsum
Source: Piratez Bootypedia

Martial Arts

"Deadly forms of bare-handed (and footed) death. Require wearing proper outfit (like Gym Suit or Bikini). Average accuracy penalty when one hand is occupied."

Weight Size Usage Accuracy Modifier Type Amount Damage Bonus(es) Additional Effects(s)
0 N/A Triple Blow - 12 TUs, 4 Energy,
Round Kick - 30 TUs, 12 Energy,
Punch! 6 TUs, 2 Energy
SMelee - 1.25*(0.5*Melee+0.5*Reaction)
Melee - 1.25*(0.5*Melee+0.5*Reaction)
Daze 0 SMelee - Damage+0.5*Strength+0.2*Melee+0.3*Bravery
Melee - Damage+0.25*Strength+0.25*Melee
SMelee - Inflicts 0.2*Dmg to Health
Melee - Inflicts 0.1*Dmg to Health

Lorem ipsum
Source: Piratez Bootypedia


"While not being a particularly potent weapon, these can fit almost anywhere. Most fitting would be some ugly face, naturally. Causes highly random damage, potentially lethal. This is a weapon for strong, experienced warriors."

Weight Size Usage Accuracy Modifier Type Amount Damage Bonus(es) Additional Effects(s)
3 1x1 Melee - 8 TUs, 2 Energy
Throw - 30 TUs, 6 Energy
Melee - 0.90*(1*Melee) Daze 5 Damage+0.35*Strength+0.2*Melee Inflicts 0.35*Dmg to Health

Can be used for stealth missions. Small, cheap, and lightweight, they go great with strong hands.
Source: Piratez Bootypedia

Spiked Knuckles

"More lethal but also slower than your average fistycuffs."

Weight Size Usage Accuracy Modifier Type Amount Damage Bonus(es) Additional Effects(s)
3 1x1 Melee - 9 TUs, 2 Energy
Throw - 30 TUs, 6 Energy
Melee - 0.85*(1*Melee) Daze 5 Damage+0.35*Strength+0.2*Melee Inflicts 0.65*Dmg to Health, Inflicts 5*Dmg to Morale

Lorem ipsum
Source: Piratez Bootypedia


"A dagger is so un-posh in this time and age! This cute little thing improves the ancient art of pugilism with the added excitement of delivering a crippling electric strike straight to your opponent's jawbone. Attacks with lethal electrical currents. It will be even more effective in the hands of warriors who can land a particularly heavy blow."

Weight Size Usage Accuracy Modifier Type Amount Damage Bonus(es) Additional Effects(s)
3 1x1 Melee - 8 TUs, 2 Energy
Throw - 30 TUs, 6 Energy
Melee - 0.95*(1*Melee) Electric 30 Damage+0.4*Strength+0.1*Melee Inflicts 1.5*Dmg to Stun

Lorem ipsum
Source: Piratez Bootypedia


"As the name implies, its purpose is to handle people without manhandling them, or, as some salty sea dogs say, to handlehandle them. Quite easy to use and doesn't damage the merchandise too much, most of the times (apply water to them if you have a suspicion of a skull fracture). Using it to the fullest requires lots of chutzpah!"

Weight Size Usage Accuracy Modifier Type Amount Damage Bonus(es) Additional Effects(s)
4 2x1 Melee - 9 TUs, 3 Energy
Throw - 30 TUs, 8 Energy
Melee - 0.85*(50+0.5*Melee) Daze 10 Damage+0.2*Strength+0.35*Bravery Inflicts 0.15*Dmg to Health, -22*Dmg to Morale

Lorem ipsum
Source: Piratez Bootypedia

Stun Baton

[[Image: |left|link=Stun_Baton_(Piratez)|Stun Baton]] "Shock people with electric voltage. Usage against armored enemies is not advised. Stun damage, no Health damage. Reactions are the key to using this weapon more effectively, but don't expect wonders."

Weight Size Usage Accuracy Modifier Type Amount Damage Bonus(es) Additional Effects(s)
3 2x1 Melee - 7 TUs, 2 Energy
Throw - 30 TUs, 8 Energy
Melee - 0.95*(05*Reactions+0.5*Melee) Electric 20 Damage+0.2*Reactions Inflicts 0*Dmg to Health, 1*Dmg to Stun

Will not kill your target, great for very strong hands who can kill unarmored purebloods with handles. Cheap and easy to acquire.
Source: Piratez Bootypedia


[[Image: |left|link=Shiv_(Piratez)|Shiv]] "This makeshift weapon is easily concealable and easy to attack with, but the quality of its blade is rather unimpressive."

Weight Size Usage Accuracy Modifier Type Amount Damage Bonus(es) Additional Effects(s)
2 1x1 Melee - 5 TUs, 2 Energy
Throw - 30 TUs, 6 Energy
Melee - 0.75*(0.5*Melee+50) Cutting 15 Damage+0.1*Bravery+0.1*Reactions

Light and basically free to make. Conversely, worthless to sell. Use only for roleplaying purposes.
Source: Piratez Bootypedia


"Can be used to cut throats or purse strings, as well as to shave your private parts - if you have a bald head to match, of course."

Weight Size Usage Accuracy Modifier Type Amount Damage Bonus(es) Additional Effects(s)
2 1x1 Melee - 6 TUs, 2 Energy
Throw - 30 TUs, 6 Energy
Melee - 0.75*(0.5*Melee+0.5*Reactions) Cutting 10 Damage+0.25*Bravery+0.1*Reactions

Lorem ipsum
Source: Piratez Bootypedia


"Fast and easy to use, but not very effective against heavy armor. Your choice, Cap'n."

Weight Size Usage Accuracy Modifier Type Amount Damage Bonus(es) Additional Effects(s)
3 2x1 Melee - 6 TUs, 2 Energy
Throw - 30 TUs, 6 Energy
Melee - 0.90*(50+0.5*Melee) Cutting 20 Damage+0.2*Strength+0.1*Melee

Lorem ipsum
Source: Piratez Bootypedia

Bandit Knife
Bandit Knife

"A nasty-looking and quite easy to use blade. Inflicts ugly, if not very deep, wounds."

Weight Size Usage Accuracy Modifier Type Amount Damage Bonus(es) Additional Effects(s)
3 2x1 Melee - 6 TUs, 2 Energy
Throw - 30 TUs, 6 Energy
Melee - 0.9*(0.5*Melee+50) Cutting 20 Damage+0.15*Bravery+0.1*Melee Inflicts 5*Dmg to Morale

Lorem ipsum
Source: Piratez Bootypedia


"If everything else fails, you can use a dagger. Actually pretty effective even against armored enemies... if you manage to get close enough. Like in case with many light weapons, high Reactions are important in using it more effectively."

Weight Size Usage Accuracy Modifier Type Amount Damage Bonus(es) Additional Effects(s)
3 2x1 Melee - 7 TUs, 2 Energy
Throw - 30 TUs, 6 Energy
Melee - 1*(0.5*Melee+0.5*Reactions) Cutting 20 Damage+0.2*Reactions+0.1*Melee

Good backup, is needed to make bayoneted weapons.
Source: Piratez Bootypedia

Chitin Knife

"This kind of primitive knife is very sharp and light, but struggles against good armor. It is also a fickle weapon that sometimes causes much less, or more damage, than expected."

Weight Size Usage Accuracy Modifier Type Amount Damage Bonus(es) Additional Effects(s)
3 2x1 Melee - 9 TUs, 2 Energy
Throw - 30 TUs, 6 Energy
Melee - 1*(0.5*Melee+0.5*Reactions) Cutting 25 Damage+0.25*Bravery+0.2*Strength

Lorem ipsum
Source: Piratez Bootypedia

Barbed Dagger
Barbed Dagger

"A heavy, vicious dagger which a strong warrior can use to inflict really nasty wounds. Weak and clumsy warriors will have trouble handling it properly, though."

Weight Size Usage Accuracy Modifier Type Amount Damage Bonus(es) Additional Effects(s)
4 2x1 Melee - 8 TUs, 3 Energy
Throw - 30 TUs, 8 Energy
Melee - 1*(0.5*Melee+0.5*Reactions) Cutting 20 Damage+0.4*Strength+0.1*Melee Inflicts 10*Dmg to Morale

Lorem ipsum
Source: Piratez Bootypedia

Long Knife

"A fine-crafted blade, made of polished steel with silver accents. Used by the Humanists to ritually dispose of their enemies. It is a physical manifestation of Humanists' belief that to strike true, you need both the physical skill and the mental will."

Weight Size Usage Accuracy Modifier Type Amount Damage Bonus(es) Additional Effects(s)
4 2x1 Melee - 8 TUs, 3 Energy
Throw - 30 TUs, 8 Energy
Melee - 1.1*(0.5*Melee+0.5*Bravery) Cutting 20 Damage+0.1*Strength+0.3*Bravery

Lorem ipsum
Source: Piratez Bootypedia

Poisoned Dagger
Poisoned Dagger

"A heavy dagger, coated with vile poison. Very deadly, but takes a lot of skill to use effectively. Extremely useful against armored targets."

Weight Size Usage Accuracy Modifier Type Amount Damage Bonus(es) Additional Effects(s)
4 2x1 Melee - 9 TUs, 3 Energy
Throw - 30 TUs, 8 Energy
Melee - 0.85*(0.5*Melee+0.5*Reactions) Bio 20 Damage+0.3*Reactions Inflicts 1*Dmg to Daze

Lorem ipsum
Source: Piratez Bootypedia

Vibro Blade
Vibro Blade

"This weapon sports a thin vibrating blade, cast out of rare-element enhanced plastasteel to better carry its deadly harmonics. With better reach and higher damage potential, it is a clear improvement over a dagger, if costly to make."

Weight Size Usage Accuracy Modifier Type Amount Damage Bonus(es) Additional Effects(s)
3 2x1 Melee - 7 TUs, 2 Energy
Throw - 30 TUs, 6 Energy
Melee - 1.05*(0.5*Melee+0.5*Reactions) Cutting 20 Damage+0.2*Reactions+0.2*Melee

Lorem ipsum
Source: Piratez Bootypedia

Plasma Dagger
"A small yet very powerful melee implement, using sizzling plasma to deliver damage."
Weight Size Usage Accuracy Modifier Type Amount Damage Bonus(es) Additional Effects(s)
4 2x1 Melee - 12 TUs, 3 Energy
Throw - 30 TUs, 8 Energy
Melee - 1.2*(0.5*Melee+0.5*Reactions) Plasma 44 Damage+0.3*Reactions Inflicts 0.5*Dmg to Daze, Inflicts 2*Dmg to Morale

Lorem ipsum
Source: Piratez Bootypedia

Ghost Dagger

[[Image: |left|link=Ghost_Dagger_(Piratez)|Ghost Dagger]] "This ghastly blade is destined for those who trust mages. Perfect for backstabbing, it ignores 90% of armor and causes the target to panic, even if he survives: yes, it deals LETHAL damage."

Weight Size Usage Accuracy Modifier Type Amount Damage Bonus(es) Additional Effects(s)
2 2x1 Melee - 7 TUs, 7 Energy
Throw - 30 TUs, 6 Energy
Melee - 1.05*(1*Melee) Mind 0 Damage+0.3*PsiStrength+0.2*PsiSkill+0.2*Reactions Inflicts 7*Dmg to Morale

Lorem ipsum
Source: Piratez Bootypedia


"They look like just some fancy, serrated claws, but the self-sharpening electromagnetic circuitry woven into superconductive plastasteel blades proves their decadent and super-expensive nature. These claws won't simply stay sharp; they're getting ever sharper."

Weight Size Usage Accuracy Modifier Type Amount Damage Bonus(es) Additional Effects(s)
7 2x1 Melee - 7 TUs, 5 Energy
Throw - 30 TUs, 14 Energy
Melee - 1*(1*Melee) Cutting 25 Damage+0.3*Strength+0.3*Melee

Lorem ipsum
Source: Piratez Bootypedia


"Them teethy monsters think themselves so smart, trying to eat us with these big teeth of theirs. Our own teeth might be a teeny weaker, but we can use their own teeth against them! Arr mate, be it not a mouthful!"

Weight Size Usage Accuracy Modifier Type Amount Damage Bonus(es) Additional Effects(s)
4 2x1 Melee - 8 TUs, 3 Energy
Throw - 30 TUs, 6 Energy
Melee - 0.95*(0.5*Melee+0.5*Reactions) Cutting 15 Damage+0.2*Bravery+0.2*Melee Inflicts 20*Dmg to Morale, Inflicts 0.5*Dmg to Daze

Lorem ipsum
Source: Piratez Bootypedia


"A solid piece of Plastasteel pipe, virtually indestructible hence the stronger the soldier, the harder it hits, with no practical limit. A strong Swabbie's best friend."

Weight Size Usage Accuracy Modifier Type Amount Damage Bonus(es) Additional Effects(s)
5 2x1 Melee - 11 TUs, 3 Energy
Throw - 30 TUs, 10 Energy
Melee - 0.8*(50+0.5*Melee) Concussive 15 Damage+0.55*Strength Inflicts 1.25*Dmg to Daze

Lorem ipsum
Source: Piratez Bootypedia


"A coveted tool of many applications. In combat, it is effective at transferring your strength onto opponent's skull, and inflicts extra armor damage. They don't make ones like this anymore..."

Weight Size Usage Accuracy Modifier Type Amount Damage Bonus(es) Additional Effects(s)
8 3x1 Melee - 13 TUs, 6 Energy
Throw - 30 TUs, 10 Energy
Melee - 0.75*(50+0.5*Melee) Concussive 20 Damage+0.6*Strength+1*Rank Inflicts 1*Dmg to Daze

Lorem ipsum
Source: Piratez Bootypedia

Holy Club

"A spooky weapon used by primitive tribes. The spooky part is, it requires a pretty intricate manufacturing process, to fit these obsidian teeth onto a club in such a way they don't fall off. Not exactly primitive, if you ask me. The weapon itself deals a lot of secondary stun damage, is painful as hell, and rends armor. Wild rumors state that the fate of those not killed by it immediately and captured is worse than death... Although it does feature death, naturally. Only not so quickly."

Weight Size Usage Accuracy Modifier Type Amount Damage Bonus(es) Additional Effects(s)
12 2x2 Melee - 13 TUs, 8 Energy
Throw - 30 TUs, 20 Energy
Melee - 1*(0.5*Reactions+0.5*Melee) Concussive 25 Damage+0.3*Strength+0.3*Bravery Inflicts 10*Dmg to Morale, Inflicts 1.5*Dmg to Daze

Lorem ipsum
Source: Piratez Bootypedia


"This farming implement can be used to harvest wheat as readily as to harvest due debts from the bourgeoisie. Slow to attack and not very accurate, but deals high bonus damage. Using it to fight properly requires high class consciousness."

Weight Size Usage Accuracy Modifier Type Amount Damage Bonus(es) Additional Effects(s)
6 2x1 Melee - 15 TUs, 4 Energy
Throw - 30 TUs, 12 Energy
Melee - 0.80*(50+0.5*Melee) Cutting 25 Damage+0.1*Strength+0.4*Bravery Inflicts 10*Dmg to Morale

Lorem ipsum
Source: Piratez Bootypedia

Rusty Blade

"This melee implement, although well-crafted, has obviously seen better days. None the less, it still can be quite deadly in the hands of someone who knows how to fight."

Weight Size Usage Accuracy Modifier Type Amount Damage Bonus(es) Additional Effects(s)
6 2x2 Melee - 10 TUs, 4 Energy
Throw - 30 TUs, 12 Energy
Melee - 0.90*(1*Melee) Cutting 30 Damage+0.2*Strength+0.2*Bravery

Lorem ipsum
Source: Piratez Bootypedia


[[Image: |left|link=Cutlass_(Piratez)|Cutlass]] "A smaller, nimble blade that can be carried on your belt. Well-liked amongst the Lokk'Naars, hence the local name of 'Goblin Sword'. As the damage is more dependent on weapon skill and sense of timing than raw power, it is best suited for weaker Hands."

Weight Size Usage Accuracy Modifier Type Amount Damage Bonus(es) Additional Effects(s)
5 2x2 Melee - 8 TUs, 3 Energy
Throw - 30 TUs, 12 Energy
Melee - 1*(1*Melee) Cutting 30 Damage+0.15*Strength+0.15*Reactions+0.15*Melee

Can be placed on most belts
Source: Piratez Bootypedia

Sudoku Blade

[[Image: |left|link=Wakizashi_(Piratez)|Wakizashi]] "These Fuso daggers were used to self-inflict a ritual punishment. One seeking atonement would publicly bare their chest and carve a grid of numbers onto it, using this blade, then proceed to carve correct numbers into the blank squares. Only by solving the sudoku puzzle before bleeding out were the guilty said to be absolved of their dishonor. The experience was said to be exalting but I fail to see why."

Weight Size Usage Accuracy Modifier Type Amount Damage Bonus(es) Additional Effects(s)
5 2x2 Melee - 8 TUs, 3 Energy
Throw - 30 TUs, 12 Energy
Melee - 1.05*(1*Melee) Cutting 25 Damage+0.15*Reactions+0.25*Melee+0.1*PsiStrength

Lorem ipsum
Source: Piratez Bootypedia


"A swift, swashbuckling melee weapon, great for weaker hands since the damage does not depend on Strength."

Weight Size Usage Accuracy Modifier Type Amount Damage Bonus(es) Additional Effects(s)
6 3x1 Melee - 9 TUs, 4 Energy
Throw - 30 TUs, 12 Energy
Melee - 1.05*(1*Melee) Cutting 25 Damage+0.4*Melee

Lorem ipsum
Source: Piratez Bootypedia

Vibro Sword

[[Image: |left|link=Vibro_Sword_(Piratez)|Vibro Sword]] "A blade which employs harmonic vibrations to defeat armor. Like other swords, it requires good fencing skills to work best."

Weight Size Usage Accuracy Modifier Type Amount Damage Bonus(es) Additional Effects(s)
7 3x1 Melee - 9 TUs, 5 Energy
Throw - 30 TUs, 14 Energy
Melee - 1.1*(1*Melee) Cutting 30 Damage+0.1*Strength+0.4*Melee

Lorem ipsum
Source: Piratez Bootypedia


"This well-made melee weapon provides an almost-perfect-balance between accuracy, speed and power. Works reasonably well in newbie hands, as long as they're comfortable with the weapon's weight."

Weight Size Usage Accuracy Modifier Type Amount Damage Bonus(es) Additional Effects(s)
7 3x1 Melee - 10 TUs, 5 Energy
Throw - 30 TUs, 14 Energy
Melee - 1.2*(1*Melee) Cutting 35 Damage+0.4*Strength+0.25*Melee

Lorem ipsum
Source: Piratez Bootypedia


"Stronger than a Cutlass, but also slower. Not for weaklings!"

Weight Size Usage Accuracy Modifier Type Amount Damage Bonus(es) Additional Effects(s)
8 3x1 Melee - 12 TUs, 5 Energy
Throw - 30 TUs, 16 Energy
Melee - 1.15*(1*Melee) Cutting 40 Damage+0.5*Strength+0.2*Melee

Lorem ipsum
Source: Piratez Bootypedia

Tech Blade
Tech Blade

"This plastasteel weapon strikes as hard as an ax, while being faster and far more accurate. It still favors strong users."

Weight Size Usage Accuracy Modifier Type Amount Damage Bonus(es) Additional Effects(s)
10 3x1 Melee - 12 TUs, 7 Energy
Throw - 30 TUs, 20 Energy
Melee - 1.1*(1*Melee) Cutting 50 Damage+0.5*Strength+0.2*Melee

Lorem ipsum
Source: Piratez Bootypedia


"An elegant weapon, accurate and powerful. Also, it electrocutes the enemy. It's not for wimps, though: user's physical strength is the fundamental factor when determining if they are worthy of using this advanced technology."

Weight Size Usage Accuracy Modifier Type Amount Damage Bonus(es) Additional Effects(s)
9 3x1 Melee - 12 TUs, 6 Energy
Throw - 30 TUs, 18 Energy
Melee - 1.1*(1*Melee) Cutting 60 Damage+0.7*Strength+0.2*Melee Inflicts 1*Dmg to Daze

Lorem ipsum
Source: Piratez Bootypedia

Vampiric Sword

"This deadly sword is a conduit for vampiric powers. It nourishes the wielder with 30% of damage dealt returned as HPs and Energy, at the price of some Morale loss. Voodoo Power is as important as martial skill when using this weapon."

Weight Size Usage Accuracy Modifier Type Amount Damage Bonus(es) Additional Effects(s)
9 3x1 Melee - 12 TUs, 6 Energy
Throw - 30 TUs, 20 Energy
Melee - 0.88*(1*Melee+1*PsiStrength) Cutting 40 Damage+0.25*Strength+0.25*Melee+0.25*PsiStrength

Lorem ipsum
Source: Piratez Bootypedia

Ninja Stick
Ninja Stick

"An efficient tool for knocking out enemies without killing them, but it requires some skill to use well."

Weight Size Usage Accuracy Modifier Type Amount Damage Bonus(es) Additional Effects(s)
6 3x1 Melee - 9 TUs, 4 Energy
Throw - 30 TUs, 12 Energy
Melee - 1.1*(1*Melee) Daze 20 Damage+0.1*Strength+0.3*Melee Inflicts 0.2*Dmg to Health

Lorem ipsum
Source: Piratez Bootypedia

Slaver's Cane

"A finely crafted Aqua Plastics cane, as we have learned to do when taking a gander at Deep One weapons. We made the plastic just the right rigidity, so it delivers a lot of blunt force, but softly enough as not to kill a captive. Using it properly and stylishly is an art in itself."

Weight Size Usage Accuracy Modifier Type Amount Damage Bonus(es) Additional Effects(s)
8 2x2 Melee - 11 TUs, 6 Energy
Throw - 30 TUs, 16 Energy
Melee - 0.9*(1*Melee) Daze 25 Damage+0.25*Strength+0.4*Bravery Inflicts 0.1*Dmg to Health

Lorem ipsum
Source: Piratez Bootypedia

Ball Bat
Ball Bat

"The origins of this weapon are lost to antiquity, but the name seems pretty self-explanatory."

Weight Size Usage Accuracy Modifier Type Amount Damage Bonus(es) Additional Effects(s)
7 3x1 Melee - 12 TUs, 4 Energy
Throw - 30 TUs, 14 Energy
Melee - 0.9*(65+0.35*Melee) Daze 25 Damage+0.3*Strength Inflicts 0.65*Dmg to Health

A better handle, be careful, it can easily kill purebloods in strong hands. Beware the Alter Boys.
Source: Piratez Bootypedia

Powerball Bat
Powerball Bat

"Our reputation as gals who wouldn't shy away from hunting demons and zombies while wearing next to nothing led the peddlers of magic to consider selling us these arcane bats. Strong adepts of Voodoo will find this weapon particularly devastating."

Weight Size Usage Accuracy Modifier Type Amount Damage Bonus(es) Additional Effects(s)
7 3x1 Melee - 12 TUs, 12 Energy
Throw - 30 TUs, 14 Energy
Melee - 1.1*(33+0.33*Melee+0.66*PsiStrength) Concussive 25 Damage+0.2*Strength+0.2*Bravery+0.2*PsiStrength Inflicts 2*Dmg to Daze

Lorem ipsum
Source: Piratez Bootypedia

Bone Club

[[Image: |left|link=Bone_Club_(Piratez)|Bone Club]] "Probably the most primitive weapon ever manufactured. Not recommended for use if you want the target alive, and indeed in most other situations too."

Weight Size Usage Accuracy Modifier Type Amount Damage Bonus(es) Additional Effects(s)
6 3x1 Melee - 11 TUs, 4 Energy
Throw - 30 TUs, 12 Energy
Melee - 0.95*(50+0.5*Melee) Daze 20 Damage+0.2*Strength+0.3*Bravery Inflicts 1*Dmg to Health

Lorem ipsum
Source: Piratez Bootypedia

Heavy Baton
Weapon Melee Heavy Baton Bigob Piratez.gif

"A big stick wielded by various police forces. Slow to act but tough on criminals."

Weight Size Usage Accuracy Modifier Type Amount Damage Bonus(es) Additional Effects(s)
10 3x1 Melee - 14 TUs, 6 Energy
Throw - 30 TUs, 20 Energy
Melee - 1*(50+0.5*Melee) Daze 25 Damage+0.5*Strength Inflicts 0.5*Dmg to Health

Lorem ipsum
Source: Piratez Bootypedia

Spiked Mace

[[Image: |left|link=Spiked_Mace_(Piratez)|Spiked Mace]] "A heavy and brutal weapon forged to break armor."

Weight Size Usage Accuracy Modifier Type Amount Damage Bonus(es) Additional Effects(s)
16 3x1 Melee - 16 TUs, 12 Energy
Throw - 30 TUs, 20 Energy
Melee - 0.9*(50+0.5*Melee) Concussive 30 Damage+0.75*Strength Inflicts 1*Dmg to Daze

Lorem ipsum
Source: Piratez Bootypedia

Iron Rod

"Give it to an ogre. If you dare. Magical Properties: Regenerates 2 Morale per turn (stackable) Reduces Mind and Electric damage taken by 1/4, no res. limit (item slot: Weapon)"

Weight Size Usage Accuracy Modifier Type Amount Damage Bonus(es) Additional Effects(s)
22 3x1 Melee - 18 TUs, 15 Energy
Throw - 30 TUs, 20 Energy
Melee - 1*(0.5*Strength+0.5*Melee) Concussive 40 Damage+0.8*Strength+0.4*PsiStrength Inflicts 2*Dmg to Daze

Lorem ipsum
Source: Piratez Bootypedia


"For all your psycho needs: cutting, slashing, disemboweling, you name it."

Weight Size Usage Accuracy Modifier Type Amount Damage Bonus(es) Additional Effects(s)
8 3x1 Melee - 15 TUs, 5 Energy
Throw - 30 TUs, 16 Energy
Melee - 0.85*(50+0.5*Melee) Cutting 40 Damage+0.3*Strength+0.3*Bravery Inflicts 10*Dmg to Morale

Lorem ipsum
Source: Piratez Bootypedia

Tech Cleaver
Weapon Melee Tech Cleaver Bigob Piratez.png

"A large blade, made by sharpening a slab of Plastasteel. Readily chops people to pieces, but lacks weight required to cut through heavy armor. Weapon of choice for maniacs and other loonies."

Weight Size Usage Accuracy Modifier Type Amount Damage Bonus(es) Additional Effects(s)
9 3x1 Melee - 15 TUs, 6 Energy
Throw - 30 TUs, 18 Energy
Melee - 0.90*(50+0.5*Melee) Cutting 50 Damage+0.2*Strength+0.5*Bravery

Lorem ipsum
Source: Piratez Bootypedia

Stone Hatchet
Stone Hatchet

"Lighter and faster than a standard metal axe, however the primitive material handicaps its combat qualities. Best used in wide, self-driven circles."

Weight Size Usage Accuracy Modifier Type Amount Damage Bonus(es) Additional Effects(s)
10 3x1 Melee - 12 TUs, 7 Energy
Throw - 30 TUs, 20 Energy
Melee - 1.25*(0.5*Melee+0.5*Throwing) Cutting 40 Damage+0.6*Strength+0.1*Melee

Lorem ipsum
Source: Piratez Bootypedia

Aqua Hatchet

[[Image: |left|link=Aqua_Hatchet_(Piratez)|Aqua Hatchet]] "This ax is made of aqua plastic, which makes it very light and swift - perfect for broad strikes."

Weight Size Usage Accuracy Modifier Type Amount Damage Bonus(es) Additional Effects(s)
9 3x1 Melee - 11 TUs, 6 Energy
Throw - 30 TUs, 20 Energy
Melee - 1.25*(0.5*Melee+0.5*Throwing) Cutting 40 Damage+0.6*Strength+0.1*Melee

Lorem ipsum
Source: Piratez Bootypedia


"Simple and brutal. May lack precision and swiftness, but when you hit, they'll feel it."

Weight Size Usage Accuracy Modifier Type Amount Damage Bonus(es) Additional Effects(s)
12 3x1 Melee - 14 TUs, 8 Energy
Throw - 30 TUs, 20 Energy
Melee - 0.90*(1*Melee) Cutting 50 Damage+0.7*Strength+0.1*Melee

Lorem ipsum
Source: Piratez Bootypedia


[[Image: |left|link=Vibro-Ax_(Piratez)|Vibro-Ax]] "Massive, hi-tech axe that easily cleaves through armor in strong hands."

Weight Size Usage Accuracy Modifier Type Amount Damage Bonus(es) Additional Effects(s)
16 3x1 Melee - 14 TUs, 10 Energy
Throw - 30 TUs, 20 Energy
Melee - 1*(1*Melee) Cutting 85 Damage+0.7*Strength+0.1*Melee

Lorem ipsum
Source: Piratez Bootypedia


"Cumbersome but deadly, perfect for gutting your enemies alive. Especially effective against meaty targets - deals double damage to Health. Good for overachievers."

Weight Size Usage Accuracy Modifier Type Amount Damage Bonus(es) Additional Effects(s)
18 2x2 Melee - 14 TUs, 12 Energy
Throw - 30 TUs, 20 Energy
Melee - 1.1*(0.5*Melee+0.5*Reactions) Cutting 50 Damage+0.5*Strength+0.3*Bravery Inflicts 10*Dmg to Morale, Inflicts 2*Dmg to Health, Inflicts 1*Dmg to Daze

Lorem ipsum
Source: Piratez Bootypedia

Blood Ax
Blood Ax

"An ax made in a dark ritual, menacing with demon's teeth, yearning for blood. Hits way harder than your ordinary ax, but is heavier as well. Any blood spilled by it buffs TUs and Stamina of the wielder (depending on damage caused and Bio Resistance of the wielder). Requires Summoning Circle."

Weight Size Usage Accuracy Modifier Type Amount Damage Bonus(es) Additional Effects(s)
16 3x1 Melee - 15 TUs, 10 Energy
Throw - 30 TUs, 20 Energy
Melee - 1.05*(1*Melee) Cutting 88 Damage+0.7*Strength+0.1*Melee

Lorem ipsum
Source: Piratez Bootypedia

Force Blade
Force Blade

"A blade shaped from forcefields, instead of solid matter. Light, fast and lethal. Causes highly random damage."

Weight Size Usage Accuracy Modifier Type Amount Damage Bonus(es) Additional Effects(s)
4 3x1 Melee - 8 TUs, 2 Energy
Throw - 30 TUs, 8 Energy
Melee - 1.25*(1*Melee) Laser 40 Damage+0.4*Melee

Lorem ipsum
Source: Piratez Bootypedia

Plasma Sword

"A highly destructive melee weapon, employing a blade formed from plasma. Very accurate, but rather slow, so it requires good timing skills to deal with interruptions."

Weight Size Usage Accuracy Modifier Type Amount Damage Bonus(es) Additional Effects(s)
9 3x1 Melee - 18 TUs, 6 Energy
Throw - 30 TUs, 18 Energy
Melee - 1.5*(1*Melee) Plasma 72 Damage+0.4*Reactions Inflicts 0.5*Dmg to Daze, Inflicts 2*Dmg to Morale

Lorem ipsum
Source: Piratez Bootypedia

Power Mace
Power Mace

"This heavy mace devised by the Church's technomagery smites the offenders with baleful plasma energies. The alternate setting is used for stunning. Swing (Electric Stun dmg = as above, Skill = MA/2+STR/2, Acc = 90%, 20 TUs, armor/2, no armor dmg)"

Weight Size Usage Accuracy Modifier Type Amount Damage Bonus(es) Additional Effects(s)
18 3x1 Snap - 20 TUs, 13 Energy
Melee - 20 TUs, 13 Energy
Throw - 30 TUs, 20 Energy
Snap - 0.9*(0.5*Melee+0.5*Strength)
Melee - 0.9*(0.5*Melee+0.5*Strength)
Shot - Plasma
Melee - Plasma
Shot - 80
Melee - 80
Shot - Damage+0.6*Strength
Melee - Damage+0.6*Strength
Shot - Inflicts 1.5*Dmg to Daze, Inflicts 2*Dmg to Morale, Maximum Range (1),
Melee - Inflicts 0.2*Dmg to Health

Lorem ipsum
Source: Piratez Bootypedia


"Injects enemies with a daring cocktail of toxins. Those who somehow survive this treatment without melting, will have to deal with massive secondary Shock, Energy and Morale damage. High Reactions and Bravery are the key to using this weapon effectively."

Weight Size Usage Accuracy Modifier Type Amount Damage Bonus(es) Additional Effects(s)
12 3x1 Melee - 12 TUs, 6 Energy
Throw - 30 TUs, 20 Energy
Melee - 0.9*(0.5*Melee+0.5*Reactions) Bio 40 Damage+0.4*Reactions+0.15*Bravery Inflicts 2*Dmg to Daze,Inflicts 5*Dmg to Energy,Inflicts 25*Dmg to Morale

Lorem ipsum
Source: Piratez Bootypedia

Short Bamboo Combat Stick

[[Image: |left|link=Short_Bamboo_Combat_Stick_(Piratez)|Short Bamboo Combat Stick]] "One-handed, light spear, useful to handily impale someone, as long as they're not wearing armor. Breaks pretty quickly, though. Like all spears, it favors warriors with good Throwing and Melee skills."

Weight Size Usage Accuracy Modifier Type Amount Damage Bonus(es) Additional Effects(s)
5 3x1 Melee - 14 TUs, 4 Energy
Throw - 30 TUs, 14 Energy
Melee - 1.5*(0.5*Melee+0.5*Throwing) Piercing 25 Damage+0.6*Throwing Inflicts 1.32*Dmg to Health

Lorem ipsum
Source: Piratez Bootypedia

Aqua Trident

[[Image: |left|link=Aqua_Trident_(Piratez)|Aqua Trident]] "One-handed pointy weapon, normally used to catch fish by some mutants. This one, though, could kill a white whale. Very accurate for a melee weapon. Like all spears, it favors warriors with good Throwing and Melee skills."

Weight Size Usage Accuracy Modifier Type Amount Damage Bonus(es) Additional Effects(s)
15 3x2 Melee - 17 TUs, 10 Energy
Throw - 30 TUs, 14 Energy
Melee - 1.3*(0.5*Melee+0.5*Throwing) Piercing 40 Damage+0.3*Strength+0.4*Throwing Inflicts 2*Dmg to TUs

Lorem ipsum
Source: Piratez Bootypedia

Shepherd's Staff

"Every journey should start and end with a lesson on humility. And this weapon is simple enough to be used even by children. Wielding Shepherd's Staff as a weapon reduces Cutting damage taken by 15% (to a min. res. of 30%), however this humiliating experience reduces Morale by 2/turn."

Weight Size Usage Accuracy Modifier Type Amount Damage Bonus(es) Additional Effects(s)
6 3x1 Melee - 15 TUs, 4 Energy
Throw - 30 TUs, 8 Energy
Melee - 1.33*(50+0.25*Melee+0.25*Throwing) Daze 15 Damage+0.3*Strength+0.3*Bravery Inflicts 10*Dmg to Morale, Inflicts 0.1*Dmg to Health

Lorem ipsum
Source: Piratez Bootypedia


"Fairly fast and effective non-lethal melee weapon. Might not be able to deal too much damage, but it is easy to use."

Weight Size Usage Accuracy Modifier Type Amount Damage Bonus(es) Additional Effects(s)
8 3x2 Snap - 21 TUs, 8 Energy
Melee - 14 TUs, 6 Energy
Throw - 30 TUs, 8 Energy
Snap - 1.24*(33+0.33*Melee+0.33*Throwing)
Melee - 1.44*(33+0.33*Melee+0.33*Throwing)
Daze 15 Damage+0.2*Melee+0.3*Bravery Inflicts 0.2*Dmg to Health

Lorem ipsum
Source: Piratez Bootypedia

Cattle Prod
Cattle Prod

"Prod the scurvy land-lubbers like the cattle they are! Causes Stun instead of Health damage and works fairly well through armor."

Weight Size Usage Accuracy Modifier Type Amount Damage Bonus(es) Additional Effects(s)
6 3x1 Melee - 20 TUs, 3 Energy
Throw - 30 TUs, 12 Energy
Melee - 1.25*(50+0.5*Melee) Electric 70 None Inflicts 0*Dmg to Health, 1*Dmg to Daze

Them Smugglers knows some things.
Like a cattle prod up the jacksie drops just about anyone if you keep pulling the trigger enough.....
Being a better stun rod it can be more useful against more armored foes! Keep a few on hand for those very valuable canned purebloods.
Source: Piratez Bootypedia


[[Image: |left|link=Impaler_(Piratez)|Impaler]] "A strange spear which fires bolts energy that warp through armor and inflict stun damage. It would be very accurate and effective in the hands of a trained witch, although it gets 250% long range acc. penalties past its nominal range of 14. When used like a melee weapon, it's basically a better Spear (Piercing = 40+STR*0.2+THR*0.6, Skill = MA/2+TA/2, Acc = 150%, 16 TUs), but ignores 2/3rds of enemy armor and inflicts double Shock. Both attacks devastate enemy's morale and disrupt their reactions."

Weight Size Usage Accuracy Modifier Type Amount Damage Bonus(es) Additional Effects(s)
9 3x1 Snap - 30% base TUs, 10 Energy
Melee - 16 TUs, 6 Energy
Throw - 30 TUs, 14 Energy
Snap - 1*(1*Firing+1*PsiStrength+1*PsiSkill)
Melee - 1.5*(0.5*Melee+0.5*Throwing)
Shot - Warp
Melee - Piercing
Shot - 0
Melee - 40
Shot - Damage+0.03*PsiStrength^2
Melee - Damage+0.2*Strength+0.6*Throwing
Shot - Inflicts 0.0*Dmg to Health, Inflicts 1*Dmg to Daze, Inflicts 1*Dmg to TUs, Inflicts 20*Dmg to Morale
Melee - Inflicts 1*Dmg to Daze, Inflicts 4*Dmg to TUs, Inflicts 20*Dmg to Morale

Lorem ipsum
Source: Piratez Bootypedia

Cat Paws
Cat Paws

"These beauties deliver extremely fast attacks, but when used against armored enemies, scratching, so to speak, is all they can achieve. Naturally, they work best with good reflexes and boldness."

Weight Size Usage Accuracy Modifier Type Amount Damage Bonus(es) Additional Effects(s)
4 1x2 Melee - 5 TUs, 3 Energy
Throw - 30 TUs, 8 Energy
Melee - 1*(0.5*Melee+0.5*Reactions) Cutting 15 Damage+0.15*Bravery+0.15*Reactions

Lorem ipsum
Source: Piratez Bootypedia


"A traditional tool of bringing down technologically superior tyranny. You can buy it from local farmers to hopefully bring down the Star Gods as well."

Weight Size Usage Accuracy Modifier Type Amount Damage Bonus(es) Additional Effects(s)
9 3x1 Melee - 13 TUs, 6 Energy
Throw - 30 TUs, 16 Energy
Melee - 0.9*(50+0.5*Melee) Piercing 35 Damage+0.2*Strength+0.2*Bravery Inflicts 0.5*Dmg to Daze, Inflicts 2*Dmg to TU

Lorem ipsum
Source: Piratez Bootypedia


"The ancient masters of the killing art were known to use this unassuming tool to great effect. Don't laugh, it's true."

Weight Size Usage Accuracy Modifier Type Amount Damage Bonus(es) Additional Effects(s)
8 3x1 Melee - 15 TUs, 5 Energy
Throw - 30 TUs, 16 Energy
Melee - 0.80*(65+0.35*Melee) Cutting 35 Damage+0.5*Strength Inflicts 2*Dmg to Daze

Lorem ipsum
Source: Piratez Bootypedia

Mr. Handy

"Mr. Handy, always handy. You CAN use it to try to stun prisoners, but their survival is not guaranteed."

Weight Size Usage Accuracy Modifier Type Amount Damage Bonus(es) Additional Effects(s)
13 3x2 Melee - 14 TUs, 7 Energy
Throw - 30 TUs, 20 Energy
Melee - 0.80*(65+0.33*Melee) Daze 20 Damage+0.4*Strength+0.3*Bravery Inflicts 1*Dmg to Health

Lorem ipsum
Source: Piratez Bootypedia

Great Club

"Very heavy and unwieldy, but devastating when it strikes."

Weight Size Usage Accuracy Modifier Type Amount Damage Bonus(es) Additional Effects(s)
24 3x2 Melee - 22 TUs, 16 Energy
Throw - 30 TUs, 20 Energy
Melee - 1*(33+0.33*Strenght+0.33*Melee) Concussive 40 Damage+1*Strength Inflicts 1.25*Dmg to Daze

Lorem ipsum
Source: Piratez Bootypedia


"Lightweight two-handed melee weapon. Not good for prolonged fights, as the attack is concentrated in a single, powerful and accurate thrust. Like all spears, it favors warriors with good Throwing and Melee skills."

Weight Size Usage Accuracy Modifier Type Amount Damage Bonus(es) Additional Effects(s)
7 3x2 Melee - 18 TUs, 5 Energy
Throw - 30 TUs, 14 Energy
Melee - 1.5*(33+0.33*Melee+0.33*Throwing) Piercing 30 Damage+0.2*Strength+0.4*Throwing

Lorem ipsum
Source: Piratez Bootypedia


"A stout two-handed weapon, with only 10% penalty if used 1-handed. Great armor penetration (-35%). Has a range of 3; accuracy is significantly lowered if there's an enemy adjacent. All spears favor warriors with good Throwing and Melee skills, but this one also requires decent Strength."

Weight Size Usage Accuracy Modifier Type Amount Damage Bonus(es) Additional Effects(s)
12 3x1 Snap - 22 TUs, 12 Energy
Throw - 30 TUs, 20 Energy
Snap - 1.25*(0.5*Melee+0.5*Throwing) Piercing 35 Damage+0.4*Strength+0.25*Throwing Maximum Range (3)

Lorem ipsum
Source: Piratez Bootypedia

Barbaric Sword

[[Image: |left|link=Barbaric_Sword_(Piratez)|Barbaric Sword]] "A big feisty sword, though not the sharpest. Takes a strong warrior to handle it."

Weight Size Usage Accuracy Modifier Type Amount Damage Bonus(es) Additional Effects(s)
18 3x2 Melee - 13 TUs, 13 Energy
Throw - 30 TUs, 20 Energy
Melee - 1.1*(1*Melee) Cutting 55 Damage+0.65*Strength+0.2*Melee

Lorem ipsum
Source: Piratez Bootypedia

Fuso Sword
Fuso Sword

"A deadly blade, if unwieldy to carry. Requires two hands. Can break if used haphazardly, hence soldier's Strength is irrelevant."

Weight Size Usage Accuracy Modifier Type Amount Damage Bonus(es) Additional Effects(s)
11 3x2 Melee - 12 TUs, 7 Energy
Throw - 30 TUs, 20 Energy
Melee - 1.2*(1*Melee) Cutting 50 Damage+0.5*Melee

Lorem ipsum
Source: Piratez Bootypedia

Barbaric Ax
Weapon Melee Barbaric Ax Bigob Piratez.png

"This two-handed ax is very heavy and quickly saps Energy, but when it hits, it leaves very little to chance."

Weight Size Usage Accuracy Modifier Type Amount Damage Bonus(es) Additional Effects(s)
22 3x2 Melee - 17 TUs, 15 Energy
Throw - 30 TUs, 20 Energy
Melee - 0.9*(1*Melee) Cutting 65 Damage+0.85*Strength+0.1*Melee

Lorem ipsum
Source: Piratez Bootypedia


"If your opponent is a far better speaker than yourself, ax him a question. - Mun Tzu"

Weight Size Usage Accuracy Modifier Type Amount Damage Bonus(es) Additional Effects(s)
22 3x2 Melee - 18 TUs, 15 Energy
Throw - 30 TUs, 20 Energy
Melee - 0.95*(1*Melee) Cutting 75 Damage+0.9*Strength+0.15*Melee

Lorem ipsum
Source: Piratez Bootypedia


"It's a blade that sends you straight to hell. Can shoot blastwaves too. Requires VooDoo training, Summoning Circle, costs a lot of Energy and Morale to use. Melee attacks get +60 extra Power. Vampiric (vs. Mental resist): 15% of damage dealt returned as TUs and HPs, 30% as Morale."

Weight Size Usage Accuracy Modifier Type Amount Damage Bonus(es) Additional Effects(s)
20 3x2 Aimed - 75% base TUs, 60 Energy, 90 Morale
Melee - 12 TUs, 13 Energy, 15 Morale
Throw - 30 TUs, 20 Energy
Aimed - 1.25*(1*PsiStrength+1*PsiSkill)
Melee - 1.25*(1*Melee)
Shot - Warp
Melee - Cutting
Shot - 0
Melee - 60
Shot - Damage+0.7*Strength+0.2*Melee+1*PsiStrength
Melee - Damage+0.7*Strength+0.2*Melee+1*PsiStrength
Reduced Accurate Aimed Range (20)

Lorem ipsum

"An exotic stun weapon which will also help you to survive in hot climate (counts as Protective Gear). Reduces the effects of Heat damage by 1/10, up to 30% final Resistance. Hitting enemies with the Fan humiliates them. Gear Slot: Tool"

Weight Size Usage Accuracy Modifier Type Amount Damage Bonus(es) Additional Effects(s)
3 2x1 Melee - 7 TUs, 2 Energy
Throw - 30 TUs, 6 Energy
Melee - 1.25*(0.5*Melee+0.5*Reactions) Daze 0 Damage+0.3*Reactions+0.2*Melee Inflicts 0.1*Dmg to Health, 15*Dmg to Morale

Lorem ipsum
Source: Piratez Bootypedia

Source: Piratez Bootypedia


"A two handed weapon useful for cracking open walls and skulls alike through the direct application of massive blunt trauma. However this type of Hammer is more of a tool than a weapon, though, so its accuracy leaves much to be desired. Obviously requires a lot of Strength."

Weight Size Usage Accuracy Modifier Type Amount Damage Bonus(es) Additional Effects(s)
25 3x1 Melee - 24 TUs, 16 Energy
Throw - 30 TUs, 20 Energy
Melee - 0.9*(0.5*Strength+0.5*Melee) Concussive 60 Damage+1*Strength Inflicts 1*Dmg to Daze

The Hammer boasts concussive damage (explosive) and as such is capable of destroying terrain. Its a great way to bust in a wall and surprise the enemy. Its range of one means that it can only strike in the cardinal directions and not on the diagonals. Its heavy hitting power makes it a decent counter to armored enemies if you bash them from behind. The hammer is also unique among melee weapons in that it allows you to clear out enemies in elevators as you can target the tile above your gal with this beauty. Its also useful for targeting stunned enemies on the ground at your feet. One good whack may put them away for good if you aren't interested in taking them captive. Be aware that the heavy weight of this awesome implement can tire gals quickly when they are swinging it in battle. A good stock of Atom Beer or other stimulants may just keep you in the fight. Can be considered a necessary weapon as enemies can hide behind impassible feature and be stuck there, use the hammer to free them for your gals to handle.
Source: Piratez Bootypedia


"Not as mighty in combat as a Hammer but not as cumbersome either. Much more efficient in hacking apart walls and other terrain features. Unreliable damage vs. moving targets."

Weight Size Usage Accuracy Modifier Type Amount Damage Bonus(es) Additional Effects(s)
12 2x2 Snap - 20 TUs, 9 Energy
Throw - 30 TUs, 20 Energy
Snap - 0.6*(50+0.50*Melee) Piercing 20 Damage+0.5*Strength Inflicts 1*Dmg to Terrain, Maximum Range (1)

Better at destroying terrain and walls then the hammer, and like the hammer, is actually necessary in the built up Ratman Warrens.
Source: Piratez Bootypedia


"These are useful for making sure that landlubbers who go down, stay down for good - by shackling them. They deal STUN damage, but they'll be workin' even against those normally immune to Stun. Use Ctrl+H to check if shackling succeeded. Note that some enemies WILL recover even from this, it'll only take them a lot of time."

Weight Size Usage Accuracy Modifier Type Amount Damage Bonus(es) Additional Effects(s)
5 2x1 Auto - 96% base TUs, 10 Energy
Throw - 30 TUs, 10 Energy
Auto - 0.6*(1*Strength) Daze 22 None Inflicts 1*Dmg to Daze, Inflicts 0*Dmg to Health, Maximum Range (1)

Lorem ipsum
Source: Piratez Bootypedia


"The whirring, plastasteel teeth of this pocket-sized chainsaw inflict surrealistic wounds."

Weight Size Usage Accuracy Modifier Type Amount Damage Bonus(es) Additional Effects(s)
6 2x1 Snap - 10% Base TUs, 2 Energy
Auto - 18% Base TUs, 3 Energy
Throw - 30 TUs, 12 Energy
Snap - 1.25*(0.5*Melee+0.5*Reactions)
Auto - 1.25*(0.5*Melee+0.5*Reactions)
Cutting 30 None Maximum Range (1)

Great for interrogations!
Source: Piratez Bootypedia



Weight Size Usage Accuracy Modifier Type Amount Damage Bonus(es) Additional Effects(s)
9 3x1 Auto - 30% base TUs, 6 Energy
Throw - 30 TUs, 18 Energy
Auto - 1.1*(65+0.35*Melee) Cutting 35 None Maximum Range (1)

Its high "rate of fire" makes this weapon more viable for combat than the hammer, can also destroy light terrain like wood walls and leaves. Its also necessary to make yeoman.
Source: Piratez Bootypedia

Loli Chainsaw
Loli Chainsaw

"A light, sleek, fast and cute chainsaw that operates in any weather conditions - what more can a girl ask for? Especially a girl who really knows what she wants!"

Weight Size Usage Accuracy Modifier Type Amount Damage Bonus(es) Additional Effects(s)
8 3x1 Auto - 24% base TUs, 5 Energy
Throw - 30 TUs, 18 Energy
Auto - 1.2*(65+0.35*Melee) Cutting 15 Damage+0.4*Bravery Maximum Range (1)

Lorem ipsum
Source: Piratez Bootypedia


"Perfectly capable of going through brick walls. Yet another proof that anything can be weaponized... as if any was needed."

Weight Size Usage Accuracy Modifier Type Amount Damage Bonus(es) Additional Effects(s)
16 3x2 Auto - 30% base TUs, 8 Energy
Throw - 30 TUs, 20 Energy
Auto - 1.25*(65+0.35*Melee) Cutting 65 None Maximum Range (1)

Lorem ipsum
Source: Piratez Bootypedia

Heavy Chainsaw
Heavy Chainsaw

"A nuclear-powered industrial-grade chainsaw. It will persuade anyone to cease blocking your way. Unless that someone is made of several-inches thick plastasteel, that is."

Weight Size Usage Accuracy Modifier Type Amount Damage Bonus(es) Additional Effects(s)
24 3x2 Auto - 30% base TUs, 10 Energy
Throw - 30 TUs, 20 Energy
Auto - 1.5*(65+0.35*Melee) Cutting 110 None Maximum Range (1)

Lorem ipsum
Source: Piratez Bootypedia


"Some say it brings bad luck, some say they want to be extra sure the captive is properly pacified. Just don't squeeze too eagerly... if ye want 'em alive that is!"

Weight Size Usage Accuracy Modifier Type Amount Damage Bonus(es) Additional Effects(s)
4 2x1 Melee - 55% base TUs, 16 Energy
Throw - 30 TUs, 8 Energy
Melee - 1.25*(0.5*Throwing+0.5*Strength+0.5*Reactions) Daze 0 Damage+0.15*Strength+0.15*Bravery Uses Choking Resistance, Inflicts 0.2*Dmg to Health, Inflicts 2*Dmg to Energy

Lorem ipsum
Source: Piratez Bootypedia

Ninja Sickle

"A sickle on a chain. You can perform some pretty sick things with this one. Reactions and Throwing are the key to use it effectively. It causes extra morale and time units damage, has a range of 5 and ignores some armor."

Weight Size Usage Accuracy Modifier Type Amount Damage Bonus(es) Additional Effects(s)
5 2x2 Snap - 28 TUs, 10 Energy
Melee - 9 TUs, 3 Energy
Throw - 30 TUs, 10 Energy
Snap - 1*(0.5*Throwing+0.5*Reactions)
Melee - 0.9*(0.5*Throwing+0.5*Reactions)
Snap - Cutting
Melee - Cutting
15 Snap - Damage+0.2*Throwing+0.3*Reactions
Melee - Damage+0.1*Throwing+0.3*Reactions
Snap - Inflicts 2*Dmg to TUs, Inflicts 15*Dmg to Morale, Maximum Range (5)
Melee - Inflicts 10*Dmg to Morale

Lorem ipsum
Source: Piratez Bootypedia

Leather Whip

[[Image: |left|link=Leather_Whip_(Piratez)|Leather Whip]] "While the damage seems unimpressive, those who take it will writhe in pain and anguish, preventing them from fighting back."

Weight Size Usage Accuracy Modifier Type Amount Damage Bonus(es) Additional Effects(s)
3 2x1 Snap - 14 TUs, 4 Energy
Throw - 30 TUs, 8 Energy
Snap - 1.25*(0.5*Throwing+0.5*Melee) Daze 5 Damage+0.3*Throwing Inflicts 0.1*Dmg to Health, Inflicts 3*Dmg to TUs, Inflicts 15*Dmg to Morale, Maximum Range (3)

Neccessary for some slaves to be made. Keep some on hand.
Source: Piratez Bootypedia

Neural Whip

"Lash those unwashed brutes into submission!"

Weight Size Usage Accuracy Modifier Type Amount Damage Bonus(es) Additional Effects(s)
4 2x1 Snap - 15 TUs, 6 Energy
Throw - 30 TUs, 8 Energy
Snap - 1*(0.5*Throwing+0.5*Melee) Mind 70 None Inflicts 0*Dmg to Health, Inflicts 1.5*Dmg to Daze, Maximum Range (3)

Lorem ipsum
Source: Piratez Bootypedia

Purgatory Whip

"Give yourself away to the flogging dance.(x2) Drains 33% damage dealt as TUs. V.Training required."

Weight Size Usage Accuracy Modifier Type Amount Damage Bonus(es) Additional Effects(s)
5 3x2 Snap - 17 TUs, 8 Energy
Throw - 30 TUs, 10 Energy
Snap - 0.8*(0.5*Throwing+0.5*Melee) Burn 0 Damage+0.5*Strength+1*PsiStrength Inflicts 2*Dmg to TUs, Inflicts 15*Dmg to Morale, Maximum Range (5)

Lorem ipsum
Source: Piratez Bootypedia

Electric Lasso

"Tried and true by the boys in blue. The favorite tool of Confederate slavers, it requires some skill to use properly but delivers reliable stun damage, without the risk of accidentally killing the victim. The Lasso has a max. range of 7. High Throwing skill is required to not accidentally entangle yourself."

Weight Size Usage Accuracy Modifier Type Amount Damage Bonus(es) Additional Effects(s)
7 2x2 Aimed - 32 TUs, 14 Energy
Throw - 30 TUs, 14 Energy
Aimed - 0.96*(0.5*Reaction) Electric 60 None Inflicts 0*Dmg to Health, Inflicts 1*Dmg to Daze, Inflicts 2*Dmg to TUs, Inflicts 4*Dmg to Energy, Maximum Range (7)

Lorem ipsum
Source: Piratez Bootypedia


This shield is a part of the Plate Mail armor, and can be used as a very effective stun weapon.
Skill: MELEE
Special: Extra Damage (Lethal): 25%.

Weight Size Usage Accuracy Modifier Type Amount Damage Bonus(es) Additional Effects(s)
72 3x2 Aimed - 64% base TUs, 48 Energy
Melee - 24 TUs, 24 Energy
Throw - 30 TUs, 20 Energy
Aimed - 1*(1*Strength)
Melee - 0.75*(1*Strength)
Aimed - Concussive
Melee - Daze
0 Aimed - Damage+(2*Strength)
Melee - Damage+(1.5*Strength)
Aimed - Inflicts 0.75*Dmg to Daze, Maximum Range (6)
Melee - Inflicts 0.75*Dmg to Daze

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Source: Piratez Bootypedia

Round Shield

"This shield can be used with the Barbarian armor. It does not only protect, but also allows one to stun enemies."

Weight Size Usage Accuracy Modifier Type Amount Damage Bonus(es) Additional Effects(s)
6 2x2 Melee - 12 TUs, 4 Energy Melee - 0.85*(0.5*Melee+0.5*Bravery) Daze 15 Damage+0.35*Strength+0.2*Melee Inflicts 0.3*Dmg to Health

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Source: Piratez Bootypedia

Piroman Shield

"This shield is a part of the Piroman Armor set. Magical symbols depicted on it significantly boost VooDoo Power. Strong and skilled warriors can also use it to knock enemies off their feet."

Weight Size Usage Accuracy Modifier Type Amount Damage Bonus(es) Additional Effects(s)
8 3x2 Melee - 14 TUs, 8 Energy Melee - 0.8*(0.5*Melee+0.5*Bravery) Daze 10 Damage+0.5*Strength+0.2*Melee Inflicts 0.2*Dmg to Health

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Source: Piratez Bootypedia

Crusader Shield

"This shield is a part of the Crusader Armor set. Quite effective at stunning, plus it provides a good defensive value."

Weight Size Usage Accuracy Modifier Type Amount Damage Bonus(es) Additional Effects(s)
12 3x2 Melee - 14 TUs, 10 Energy Melee - 0.95*(0.5*Melee+0.5*Bravery) Daze 15 Damage+0.6*Strength+0.2*Melee Inflicts 0.3*Dmg to Health

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Source: Piratez Bootypedia

Gothic Shield

"This shield is a part of the Chain Mail armor, and can be used as a very effective stun weapon."

Weight Size Usage Accuracy Modifier Type Amount Damage Bonus(es) Additional Effects(s)
16 3x2 Melee - 14 TUs, 10 Energy Melee - 0.90*(0.5*Melee+0.5*Bravery) Daze 15 Damage+0.6*Strength+0.2*Melee Inflicts 0.3*Dmg to Health

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Source: Piratez Bootypedia

Tower Shield
Tower Shield

"This shield is a part of the Plate Mail armor, and can be used as a very effective stun weapon."

Weight Size Usage Accuracy Modifier Type Amount Damage Bonus(es) Additional Effects(s)
24 3x2 Melee - 16 TUs, 16 Energy Melee - 0.9*(0.5*Melee+0.5*Bravery) Daze 20 Damage++0.7*Strength+0.2*Melee Inflicts 0.25*Dmg to Health

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Source: Piratez Bootypedia

Handheld Energy Shield

"This is a Type-2 shield with 133 hit points worth of charge. It protects the wielder when held in either hand. As its charge depletes, it will go dark. It does not regenerate charge during battle; once gone completely, it can be only recharged at the Hideout."

Weight Size Usage Accuracy Modifier Type Amount Damage Bonus(es) Additional Effects(s)
6 2x2 Melee - 12 TUs, 4 Energy
Throw - 30 TUs, 12 Energy
Melee - 0.8*(0.5*Melee+0.5*Bravery) Daze 15 Damage+0.3*Strength+0.2*Melee Inflicts 0.3*Dmg to Health

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Source: Piratez Bootypedia