Cherub (Chimera)

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Cherub is a hybrid clone. Cherub was created very late in the war and received training to become an ADVENT Trooper but the war ended before he became part of ADVENT. He was then raised by XCOM soldiers. Cherub wields a pistol and energy shield, and has several abilities to protect himself and others, but has low offense.

Rank Ability
Agent Kinetic Shield
Cherub places anenergy shield on self or ally. Cherub gains a kinetic charge when the shield is destroyed. Does not end turn when used.
Kinetic Charge
Cherub can store up to 2 kinetic charges by shielding allies. These are consumed by various abilities.
Charged Bash
Cherub bashes an enemy with the energy shield consuming all charge. If charge is consumed, deal ddamage in a cone behind the enemy. Damage increases with charge. Replaced Subdue.
Deputy Agent Phalanx
Enemies focus their fire on Cherub, ignoring other XCOM units at this breach point. Block all damage and gain 1 charge for each attack.
Field Agent Generator
Cherub gains one charge at the end of each encounter.
At the end of the turn gain +1 Armor, a half cover bonus even if flanked and become half cover for friendlies/ Guard breaks after being attacked.
Special Agent Overload
Charub can now store 3 charges and gains bonus mobility when fully charged.
Senior Agent Recharge
Using Charged Bash to render an enemy unconscious refills 1 charge.
Resonance Field
Allies with kinetic shield gain +15 aim.
Principal Agent