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TFTD's ACTS.DAT file is somewhat different to that in UFO.

The acts are:

offset	act		
0	Probe Mission
1	Interdiction	*
2	Resource Raid	*
3	Infiltration 	*
4	Colony Expansion 		
5	Surface Attacks	**
6	Floating Base	**

* These are not tried in some zones as they are not realistic, e.g. infiltration in Antarctic.

** Colony Supply Missions, Alien Surface Attacks and Floating Base Attack are generated separately, rather than through ZONAL.DAT and ACTS.DAT. These values are normally unused (Supply doesn't even have one).

At the beginning of a new game, ACTS.DAT looks like this (in hexadecimal):

                 Prb Int RsR Inf Col Srf FBA
NAtl    0000000: 0e  10  14  14  14  00  00
SAtl    0000007: 19  16  0c  14  19  00  00
NPacif  000000e: 19  10  15  12  12  00  00
SPacif  0000015: 0a  18  0c  12  14  00  00
Med     000001c: 0a  0a  0f  14  06  00  00
SChnS   0000023: 08  08  08  08  13  00  00
Ind     000002a: 07  08  08  08  09  00  00
SofJp   0000031: 05  05  06  0a  08  00  00
NthSea  0000038: 08  0d  15  0d  08  00  00
Carib   000003f: 06  00  04  00  09  00  00
Antarc  0000046: 0f  00  00  00  16  00  00
Arctic  000004d: 0f  00  00  00  1c  00  00