Panic (EU2012)

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Panic is the mechanic that will make you loose the game, once you have enough (8) countries reach high enough panic to leave the XCOM project; then the game is over. As the Commander, it's your task to keep this from happening. Each country have a panic value of 0-5, and the country will leave if the panic exceeds a value of 5.

Panic Increase
Panic will increase in countries as they are targeted by alien attacks, and will also spread to neighbouring countries on that continent if left unchecked (if in somewhat lesser extent). Abduction and Terror activity will cause panic to neighbouring countries; UFO activity and Council missions will only cause panic (if unsuccessful) in the targeted country, and not in neighbouring countries.

Panic Decrease
To decrease (or not increase) panic the player have a limited choice of actions; with satellites being the primary way to lower and counter spread of panic. Most successful missions will also cause local panic levels to decrease in countries; only the Alien Base mission will cause global panic to decrease.

Base Location

There are many different methods to choosing your initial base location. Here are a few factors to consider:

If you choose to start in the USA, you get §180 each month to start the game, in addition to the Base Funding depending on your chosen difficulty level.
If you start in Africa, you actually get an extra 30% to Nigeria's funding and an extra 30% of the Base Funding thanks to the "All In" bonus; plus, you'll be getting an extra 30% from every other funding source as you expand satellite coverage.
Both are worthy options.
  • Bonuses: This depends on your play style and gameplan.
If you really want "Future Combat" and "We Have Ways" early in the game, put your base in Asia because it will only take 2 satellites to get S. America vs. 4 satellites if you start in S. America and expand to Asia.
Autopsies and interrogations don't take very long, so "We Have Ways" is probably the one clear-cut choice to not start your base, especially considering you only need 2 satellites to get it through the course of the game.
  • Panic: Face it, you can't respond to all 3 Abduction missions.
At some point, you're going to get stuck with covering a country with a satellite just to calm them down, whether it's early in the game to keep everyone happy or late in the game to prevent completing the "Doom Tracker".
You can try to keep an extra satellite and uplink slot available for such cases, though not utilizing such a vital resource also weighs on the mind.


  • Start in Asia (China) for the "Future Combat" Bonus, then spread to either N. America (Total §330 + "Air & Space") or Africa (Total §325 + "All In"); either way it's only 3 satellites.
    • This is a good option if you rely on a short-list of highly perked soldiers for combat.
    • The downside is you have to be careful not to waste precious resources on excessive Foundry projects that you may not use in combat very often.
  • Start in Africa for the "All In" Bonus (because it gives you extra credits no matter what play style or strategy you choose) and then spread to N. America for more credits or Asia for even cheaper deals on Foundry and OTS projects.
    • This is a good option if you don't have a particular strategy in mind, or if your strategy is to play it by ear and react to what the game gives you as you progress.
    • The downside is that you'll need a couple more satellites to get the other continent bonuses, which takes time, credits, and Uplinks to accomplish, all in the face of ever-increasing panic.

Choosing a Mission

  • Often you will be presented with multiple missions at the same time and asked to choose 1 (e.g., Abduction sites).
While Panic plays a big role in your choice, so does the reward.
The rewards generally consist of either Scientists, Engineers, Soldiers, or credits.
  • Engineers are generally better than Scientists – Building things requires a minimum number of Engineers, and that number keeps going up each time you build a type of facility.
So the third Generator needs more engineers than the second, and so on.
Plus, you tend to get enough scientists via monthly bonuses from the Funding Council.
  • If you are offered more than one country from the same continent to chose from, choosing one of the countries on the continent will mean that this country gets panic decrease and other countries from same continent get no change in panic levels. Leaving more than one country on same continent unattended will not multiply continent-wide panic (eg., on classic ignoring China and Japan will raise panic in those countries by 2 and in other asian countries by 1)
  • It might be worth ignoring South American abduction missions. An unanswered abduction on that continent raises total panic by 3 points (2+1) while an unanswered one in Europe or Asia gives 5 panic points (2+1+1+1).

Satellite Management

  • Overall, to have no countries leave your project your aim is to have, by the end of the month, no more countries in the "red" (full panic) zone than you have satellites, and launch those satellites to save those countries from defecting. This means you will not be getting the continent you want, but the continent that got more unlucky with panic levels.
  • Your other goal is to cover full continents as soon as possible for both the continent bonus AND no furhter panic problems with this country. Having a country not covered in a partially covered continent leaves you very vulnerable, because you cannot manage panic in already covered countries (like you can with uncovered countries by launching satellite in those countries right before council report). Worst case scenario, when you barely saved a country from defecting (launched satellite into panicked country), you can only afford to have 1 abduction there until you have full panic again, plus 1 for each council mission that awards worldwide panic reduction. Therefore, there is a huge incentitive to cover full continents.
  • Getting all continents but one covered stops abduction missions from happening alltogether, and solves the panic problem for the rest of the game. Therefore, deploying satellites as fast as possible is the best way to control the panic. Consider deploying 1 satellite in the first month, 3 in the second month, at least 3 (if you can, 5) in the third month and cover all remaining countries except one in the next month.
  • It is never a good idea to launch a satellite at any time except right before council report. That is, because abductions can happen even right before the council report, and if you dont have spare satellites to fix panic after them, you will lose countires. Launch satellites right before the council report, first fixing any countries in "Red", and then according to your plan.
  • However, one exception exists. In a case when you have a covered country with a panic level of 4 in a not yet fully covered continent, and you have enough satellites to fully cover that country, it might be a good idea to do it immediately, not waiting for the end of the month. Otherwise, you risk losing that country (since no way to reduce panic in covered country aside from random events) if an abduction pops in that country, and you will be forced to chose that continent's abduction site, or lose the country. Especially this is true if you have two such not fully covered continents - covering one will allow you to save the other if abduction pops there, but having two continents with two covered countries at panic 4, and abduction popping in both of them makes for almost guaranteed country loss.