The Real Alien Threat (Apocalypse)

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It is now clear to us that the Micronoid organisms are the source of the Alien intelligence and they are using the various Alien forms to initiate an assault on our dimension. The large Alien life forms cannot survive in our dimension - the Micronoids must transfer to a new host in order to conquer our world and the ideal host is our own race. Brainsuckers are used to introduce Micronoids into the human bloodstream which then gain control of the brain and have access to all the knowledge and abilities of the host. We now understand the physiology of the Micronoids sufficiently in order to develop a specific toxin that will kill the organisms in the bloodstream.  From: Apocalypse Ufopaedia

The final biological research needed to completely understand the Alien agenda.
Infestation of humanoids with Micronoids.
Biological Warfare can now be fully understood and enables manufacture of the most potent anti-alien toxins.


⊗ the lifeforms studied to research this topic does not need to be researched again.

There are two more alien lifeforms to be researched which will complete X-Com's knowledge of the whole alien race.

See Also

Alien Life Forms