Alien Dimension (Apocalypse)

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Warning: Major spoilers in this section.


The Alien Dimension consists of a bleak,hostile environment with an organic city. This city
undoubtedly constructs Alien craft and nurtures the Alien brood. The structure of the buildings
is immensely strong, but there appears to be weak point which will allow our Agents and vehicles
to gain access to the building south of the dimension gates. If we can research this building
further then we will have the necessary information to send in our squads to destroy it. We 
should then be able to gain access to the next building via the organic tubing that joins the
Alien city together like a giant umbilical cord.


In order to win the Mega-Primus War it will be necessary to fight the aliens at their own home. First X-COM will have to perform the necessary research in order to build craft capable of operating through the Dimensional Gates. Then it will be necessary to engage and survive the fleets of UFOs on the alien dimension in order for ground strike teams to destroy the alien buildings. The first trip to the Alien Dimension will unlock it as a research topic and after X-COM scientists complete that next step of research it will be possible to research the first building and proceed to the first tactical mission on the dimension.

Overview of Alien Structures & Missions

Dimension Map - Click to enlarge

UFO Growth

At the beginning of each week the game will add a certain number of UFOs to the Alien Dimension up to a certain maximum. This process can be stopped by destroying the Organic Factory.

See Also