Panic (Long War)

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Mission Panic values

Air raid: +8 (Can be reduced by damaging the UFO)

Terror mission: +2 per civilian in country, +1 per civilian across continent (stacks, the country where the terror mission takes place is actually gaining +3 panic per dead civilian)

Terror mission failure\abort: +20 across continent

Shooting down/raiding a UFO: -2

Escaped ufo: +2 (reduced by any damage dealt)

Launching a satellite: -10

Raiding an alien base: -20 in country, -5 across continent

Raiding Exalt base: -5 worldwide

Thwarting an abduction: -2

Failing an abduction: +25

Council mission reward: ??

Alien entertainment reward: ??

Country Defection

Defection threshold: >95 panic

Chance of defection, no sats nearby: 100%

Chance of defection, one or more sat on same continent: 90%

Chance of defection, country has sat: 50%

Satellite Panic reduction

50% chance of -5 panic if Panic>95

10% chance of -5 panic if Panic>80

0% chance of reduction if panic<80