Technical (LW2)

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Technical: Primary: Rifle(default), SMG or Shotgun; Secondary: Gauntlet

Technical Skills
Rocketeer Fireman
Fire in the Hole

Your rockets are more accurate. Reduces maximum rocket scatter by two tiles.


Fire a barrage that pins down a target, grants reaction fire against it if it moves, restricts the use of many abilities, and imposes a -30 penalty to the target's aim. If multiple targets suppress a target, the aim penalty will stack. Suppression is canceled if the suppressing unit is damaged. Costs two ammo.


Special flamethrower shot that does limited damage, but has a 33% chance to set enemies in the area of effect on fire and forces enemies to change their position.

Biggest Booms

Your grenades and standard rockets can inflict critical damage (50% chance for +2 damage).


Activate to grant +20 defense until the beginning of the next turn. Does not cost an action. Five-turn cooldown.


Your Flamethrower can now disorient or panic enemies. Enemy units must pass a will check to avoid negative effects.

Concussion Rocket

Fire a special rocket that does limited damage but has a chance to stun or disorient organic enemies within its area of effect and leaves a cloud of smoke. Stun and disorientation chances based on target's will score.


Your primary weapon attacks shred armor.


Activating your Flamethrower leaves a small smoke cloud around your position, providing +20 Defense to anyone within.