Talk:General Stores

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Revision as of 20:32, 5 March 2007 by Sfnhltb (talk | contribs)
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Should the item space list be split out, and then a brief summary of the effects put in here with a link to it, the two concepts are pretty much interrelated I guess (I dont think space affects anything else but stores?) so I could go either way on it. --Sfnhltb 13:41, 4 March 2007 (PST)

I can't think of many pages that would link to it, other than this page -- I think it's appopriate here.--Ethereal Cereal 22:26, 4 March 2007 (PST)
Only pages I could think of linking here is BASE.DAT and possibly PRODUCT.DAT. Do we know where the storage values for these items are at? Surely they aren't tucked away in the executable. I'll put this list in a table and format it better as it does take a monstrous amount of room. --Pi Masta 11:45, 5 March 2007 (PST)
You would think object sizes would be in OBDATA.DAT, but that seems to only have the size for soldiers inventory purposes which apparently doesnt always match up with stores size (for example the note about the 1x1 plasma clip taking more room than the 3x2 Heavy Plasma). as well as a lot of other discrepancies. --Sfnhltb 11:57, 5 March 2007 (PST)

There must be a better way of describing the way the stores works than what is here at the moment. I mean I understand what the stores does and how size works and all the rounding and the description here confuses me. --Sfnhltb 12:32, 5 March 2007 (PST)