Rocketeer (LWR)

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The Rocketeer class is similar to vanilla. Their signature ability is Fire Rocket.

Primary Weapon: Assault Rifles, Battle Rifles, Carbines, SMGs.
Secondary Weapon: Rocket Launcher.
Class-Limited items: Rocket Launcher, Extra Rocket, Javelin Rocket.


Rank Ability
Fire Rocket
Fire Rocket
Grants the ability to use and equip a rocket launcher. Rocket scatter is unaffected by aim but decreases by 4% per HP above average. Firing a rocket with less than 2 AP triples scatter. 2 turn cooldown.
Lance Corporal
Light 'Em Up
Light 'Em Up
Standard shots cost only 1 AP and gain both +5 aim and +1 damage for each instance of damage their target took this turn.
Smoke and Mirrors
Smoke and Mirrors
Using a support grenade costs only 1 AP and does not trigger reaction shots. Equipped support grenades receive an additional use.
Using a destructive grenade deals +1 damage and costs only 1 AP. Equipped destructive grenades receive an additional use. Makes destructive grenades and launchers weightless.
Holo Rounds
Holo Rounds
Firing at a target during this unit's turn holos [Prevents concealment/stealth, incoming shots gain +20 aim and +1 penetration] them for 3 turns.
Danger Zone
Danger Zone
Suppression affects (with half suppressive fire damage) targets in a 2.5 tile radius around the primary target.
Equipped medikits, grenades, and mists receive an additional use. Grants +1 ammo to non-arc primary weapons. Grants +1 HP to healing from Restorative Mists.
The primary weapon gains +2 penetration.
Explosives deal +1 damage and double environmental damage. Grants +30% throw range.
Concussion and psi grenades add 25 shred to their targets.
Tech Sergeant
Shock and Awe
Shock and Awe
Rocket launchers and extra equipped rockets gain an additional use. Reduces scatter by 30%.
All weapons and equipment deal bonus % weapon damage equal to the target's current HP.
Gunnery Sergeant
HEAT Warheads
HEAT Warheads
Explosives gain +5 penetration and double the application of any shred.
Explosives critically hit exposed targets, dealing 150% damage.
Tandem Warheads
Tandem Warheads
Explosives employed by this soldier do full damage at the extent of their area of effect (instead of 50%).
Master Sergeant
Bring 'Em On
Bring 'Em On
Grants additional shot damage equal to half the number of enemies in sight. Grants additional aim and graze chance equal to 5x the number of enemies in sight.
Extra Conditioning
Extra Conditioning
Grants +3 armor HP, +0.6 mobility, 10% throw range, and a 10% chance for all end-in-idle actions to cost 0 AP.

Stat Progression

Rank Attribute Gains
RANK SQUADDIE.png   Specialist +0-1 (50%) +4-12 - +3-9
RANK CORPORAL.png   Lance Corporal +0-1 (42%) +1-3 - +1-3
RANK SERGEANT.png   Corporal +0-1 (42%) +1-3 - +1-3
RANK LIEUTENANT.png   Sergeant +0-1 (42%) +1-3 - -
RANK CAPTAIN.png   Tech Sergeant +0-1 (42%) +0-2 - -
RANK MAJOR.png   Gunnery Sergeant +0-1 (41%) - - -
RANK COLONEL.png   Master Sergeant +0-1 (41%) - - -
Total Health

Predictable Potential:

Rank Attribute Gains
RANK SQUADDIE.png   Specialist +1 +8 - +6
RANK CORPORAL.png   Lance Corporal +1 +2 - +2
RANK SERGEANT.png   Corporal +1 +2 - +2
RANK LIEUTENANT.png   Sergeant - +2 - -
RANK CAPTAIN.png   Tech Sergeant - +1 - -
RANK MAJOR.png   Gunnery Sergeant - - - -
RANK COLONEL.png   Master Sergeant - - - -
Total Health

Tactical Advice

Role: Crowd Control / Cover Destruction / Offensive Support

The Rocketeer's tactical role is best described as a support weapon. It is a slow and unwieldy class, but carries invaluable armament big enough to bring a FUBAR scenario under control given enough time. Their starting Fire Rocket perk grants a single rocket with a two turn cooldown between firing, and their other perks generally focus on adding a secondary supportive role to the Rocketeer between firing. It's always best for Rocketeers to fire with a steadied weapon, but firing with two AP in a pinch is still effective if the target area is at mid-range. Keep in mind that rocket scatter decreases by 4% per HP above average. Rocketeers should operate towards the rear of the squad, safe from any flanks or incoming fire.

Rocketeers do not benefit from a high aim stat and generally stay still to fire their weapon. Given that the rocketeer's armament can literally blow up an aggressor's position, positioning and therefore mobility is also generally unnecessary for this class, aside from a clear line of firing to the target.

Note that if you are playing without Red Fog, then the Rocketeer's tactical potential will be considerably stunted.

Sample Builds

Light 'Em Up Rocketeer

The LeU Rocketeer is a hybrid build packing the useful long range explosive prowess of the class with some added fire support capabilities. The combination of Light 'Em Up and Holo Rounds - which allows tagging two targets or focusing down one target - is a valuable addition to any squad. This is especially true early on when XCOM aim values are quite low and straight shooting is unreliable. When rockets are on cooldown, this build plays much like an Infantry, but with a focus on utility and penetration instead of raw damage output and noticeably less mobility.

Sample Light 'Em Up Build: Light 'Em Up -> Holo Rounds -> Penetrator -> Shock And Awe -> Any -> Bring 'Em On

Recommended Weapons: Assault rifle, Battle Rifle, Arc rifle
Recommended Equipment: Ammo-increasers, Aim-increasers, Javelin Rocket, Special ammo.


  • Access to Light 'Em Up makes the Arc rifle a viable option for a large burst of damage against hard to crack Mechs. Keep in mind however that this choice prevents the Rocketeer from defending himself in close combat, especially against bios, as the class doesn't have access to secondary weapons.
  • The GSGT perk is flexible for pretty much every Rocketeer build:
    • Heat Warheads is the utility option, doubling the chance of disorienting. It's also helpful when cover DR comes into play.
    • Fragmentation is great for Javelins and gives your regular rockets the potential to nuke enemies. It's unreliable, however.
    • Tandem Warheads is the crowd control option, giving a modest increase in damage that's especially noticeable in crowds with aliens at the edge of the blast.
  • None of the traditional soldier upgrade paths are a particularly significant increase in power for this build, but this also means any of them are fine to invest in.

Smoke and Mirrors Rocketeer

The S&M Rocketeer bundles rockets and reaction immune support grenades in an efficient if somewhat slow package. This lack of mobility is however mitigated by the longest support grenades throws in the game thanks to a high HP growth and Bombard. Consequently, this build can use Concussion and Acid grenades from extended ranges to safely debuff dangerous targets. Early access to Packmaster allows up to 6 of these throws for some good staying power in longer missions. Finally, rockets are always a good fallback if the use of support grenades isn't optimal during a turn.

Sample Smoke and Mirrors Build: Smoke and Mirrors -> Packmaster -> Bombard-> Shock And Awe -> HEAT Warheads or Fragmentation -> Sprinter

Recommended Weapons: Carbine
Recommended Equipment: Concussion grenades/Psi grenades(psi), Acid grenades, Smoke grenades, Extra rocket, Elerium Emitters(psi), Medkits, Walker Servos.


  • HEAT Warheads will offer a straightforward damage increase to rockets, especially against mechs or sturdy biologicals in cover. Fragmentation is less reliable but a lucky roll can swing fights in your favor.
  • Psi is a strong choice to add some more team support or single target debuffing. Psi also unlocks the use of Psi grenades, Elerium Emitters and Mimic Beacons for some more exotic support options.
  • Smoke grenades can be used better by other classes - although they stay a safe and reliable option and still profit from the extended range of the build.

Grenadier Rocketeer

The Grenadier Rocketeer foregoes any notion of a hybrid build to bring a withering array of explosive ordnance to the battlefield. With long range throws and access to boosted rockets, this build can deliver destruction at any range and will leave many an alien exposed, disoriented or dead in the aftermath. The low mobility of the class is however worsened by the heavy weight of explosive equipment. Moreover, this build is left with no useful options once that equipment runs out and is thus a good candidate for psi training.

Sample Grenadier Build: Grenadier -> Packmaster -> Danger Zone or Ranger or Bombard -> Shock and Awe -> HEAT Warhead or Fragmentation or Tandem Warheads -> Sprinter

Recommended Weapons: Carbine, SMG(no steadying for rockets)
Recommended Equipment: HE grenades, Alien/plasma grenades, extra Rocket, AP grenades, Walker Servos .


  • Danger Zone vs Bombard vs Ranger is a tough choice which boils down to a decision between mobility, throw range, and area of effect.
  • The Gunnery Sergeant perks are all viable. Tandem Warheads is good to pair up with Danger Zone. HEAT Warheads will offer a straightforward damage increase to explosives, especially against mechs or sturdy biologicals in cover. Fragmentation is less reliable but probably the strongest overall.
  • A prime candidate for psi training for some more useful options.

See also