Relations (Apocalypse)

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Relationships in Mega Primus generally follow a very simple principal: The Enemy of my Enemy is my Friend.

This means that if you attack organisation A, which is disliked by organisation B, organisation B will be much friendlier towards you, and vice versa.

Trying to understand these relationships can be quite difficult at first (except for the pretty obvious ones like Megapol and the Aliens), but there are ways to gauge how companies relate to each other.

Reading the informational headlines that pop up on your information bar from time to time is a great way to see how certain companies relate to each other. Gangs in particular also employ direct air assaults on their enemies. Unfortunately, they tend to be overwhelmed by the sentinals.

A lot of these relationships are however one-way only. That is to say, if company A likes company B, this relationship is not mutually exclusive. Company B may feel indifferent or have a slight dislike for company A.

Case in point, every time an organisation gets fed up with X-Com and refuses to accept cash settlments because you're attacking their 'alien friends', the aliens will not necessarily feel the same way about the rebelling company. The company may continue to get upset whenever you take action against the aliens, but they will quickly change their tune if the aliens turn on them and start destroying their facilities.

Certain organisations are more important to stay friendly with or protect from alien infiltration than others. I'm sure it needn't be said, but do not bother paying out insane sums to keep the Cult of Sirus happy. It won't work. You obviously want to stay friendly with groups such as megapol (otherwise expect random shootings in the cityscape) and Marsec if you intend on doing any business with them. The government is where you get that insulting amount of funding from, and despite it not covering your troops wages, any amount of funds are very much needed. Other factions to make sure you stay in their good books include anyone else you want to trade with. Intersteler are very important to keep away from the aliens, since if you lose their support you have no good means to transfer equipment between bases. (I once had the ridiculous situation of sending agents back and forth carrying supplys.)

More information on Mega Primus relationships to come whenever.

May want to include a general map of the like/dislike chart for the very start of the game. It's imposible to map this out for later stages on account of the wildly unpredictable public relations that can happen during the game.

Typical Relations of Corporations


Usually, corporations will be competing against only one other corporation. Hence:

  • Xcom vs Aliens

- hmm... i wonder why?

  • Megapol vs Marsec

- armament industry

  • Nutrivend vs Evonet

- food industry

  • Superdynamics vs General Metro

- transport industry

  • Gravball League vs Sensovision

- entertainment industry

  • Nanotech vs Cyberweb

- medical apparatus industry

  • Solmine vs Energen

- power generation industry

  • S.E.L.F. vs Mutant Alliance

- bleedin' hearts industry

  • Technocrats vs Extropians

- political spin industry


  • Psyke vs Diablo vs Osiron

- gangbanging

  • Cult of Sirius vs Xcom

- different interests

and two unknowns:

  • Sanctuary Clinic vs ???

- procreation industry

  • Synthemesh vs ???

- disposable society industry

weird ones:

  • Lifetree vs Gangs vs Sensovision

- psiclone industry

  • Sanctuary Clinic vs Mutant Alliance

- only guessing but they both have different interests (humans vs mutants)

  • Megapol vs Transtellar

- jealousy? Megapol doesn't like Transtellar due to Marsec providing security+weapons to Transtellar.

=LOVE= (need to add more, some could be wrong)

  • Government + Megapol

- law industry

  • Solmine + Marsec

- off world security interests

  • Nanotech + Gravball League

- implant industry

  • Synthemesh + General Metro + Transtellar

- transport infrastructure industry

one sided:

  • Cult of Sirius + Aliens

- cult love aliens, aliens couldn't care less.



If you want to setup your game to have the HATE relationships as listed above, you could use the Midnight Editor for Xcom Apocalypse to edit your savegame. You don't need to start a new game if you don't want to. If you do edit a new savegame, then you'll see the lovely relationships between hostile corporations and the back stabbing, and the destruction.... Lovely!

Midnight Editor available here:


  • OPTIONAL. just a little bit of help with the editor: Select the first corp, then put sliders at nuetral, then click "copy to all corporations" button. Go thru and do this for each corp in the list (except the last one. "Civilians"). Placing everyone neutral to everyone else gives you a good basis to work out who you each corp want to hate or love other. Once you do this, use the list above to tune corp relationships. (CAREFUL! NO = Transtellar vs Megapol = many destroyed transtellar road taxi).
  • you MUST make Xcom hostile 100% to Aliens, and Aliens hostile 100% to Xcom or the game WILL start being stupid.
  • if you make Civilians hostile to everyone else (besides Xcom), aliens and security forces will hunt down and kill the mindless civilians running around the tactical map - CAN HELP IMMENSELY when aliens have run out of Boomeroids by the time they are engaged by Xcom agents.