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Your soldiers' Morale scores determine whether they will panic or go berserk in the midst of a bad situation. Morale for all units is set at 100 at the start of each mission, and can rise or fall depending on events which occur during combat.

A high Bravery score will reduce the amount of Morale lost due to bad events, and the presence of a high-ranking officer on a mission can reduce Morale penalties as well. The loss of a high-ranking officer can in turn produce large Morale penalties.

When a unit's Morale drops below 50, there is a chance it will panic or go berserk.

Value Ranges

All units, alien and friendly, start with a Morale of 100 at the beginning of combat. Morale can never go higher than 100 or lower than 0 -- but if it falls below 50, a unit may panic or go berserk which will cause it to rise by 15 points.

When morale is between 100-50 units will function normally, but between 49-0 there is an increasing chance of panic or berserk, with a 100% chance when morale is at 0.

Events which Affect Morale

  • Own unit killed - surviving units lose 0-35 points, dependent on unit bravery, squad leadership, and rank of lost soldier
  • Own unit knocked unconscious - no effect on squad morale
  • Own unit zombified - no effect on squad morale!
  • Own unit hurt - no effect on squad morale, unit hurt loses ?? points
  • Friendly fire kill - squad loses normal amount, soldier loses 20 extra points adjusted only by leadership
  • Friendly fire hit - no effect beyond injury morale loss in the soldier hit
  • Alien hit/hurt - no effect on your morale
  • Alien killed - squad gains 10 points, adjusted by squad leadership; soldier gains 20 extra points adjusted by squad leadership
  • Panic/berserk - soldier gains 15 points flat
  • Pain killer administered from a Medi-Kit - can restore Morale equal to the amount of Health a soldier has lost
  • Psionic Panic attack- A successful attack causes the target to lose 110 points, less bravery (e.g., a unit with 40 bravery would lose 70 points); chance of success is dictated by Psionic formula

Effect of Bravery

The base morale a unit looses when a comrade dies is dependent on the surviving unit's Bravery as follows:

BraveryMorale Loss

1 A soldier having a bravery of 0 is impossible, except when editing game files.
2 Only tanks and certain aliens can have a Bravery of 110.


Having officer on a mission helps in two ways -- they reduce morale loss from negative events, and increase Morale gained from positive events. Your highest-ranking (surviving) officer's Morale modifier is always used -- so if a Colonel is killed, and the next-highest-ranking soldier in the squad is a Sergeant, morale loss from the Colonel's death will still be reduced by 10%.

However, losing an officer produces higher than usual Morale losses, as shown in the table below below. Losing rookies, squaddies and tanks cause normal amounts of lost Morale.

                          Leadership    Death morale
                            bonus          loss
Tank, Rookie, or Squaddie     0%           x1.0
Sergeant                     10%           x1.2
Captain                      15%           x1.3
Colonel                      20%           x1.5
Commander                    35%           x1.75

Morale loss on personnel death equals:

 Base morale loss x (100% - Leadership bonus) = adjusted morale loss (drop fractions)
 Adjusted morale loss x Rank modifier = final morale loss (drop fractions)

Since the loss of a Colonel produces Morale loss 1.5 times that of a normal unit, the effective Morale lost in the above scenario will be 1.5 (for the Colonel's death) * 0.9 (for the surviving Sergeant's modifier), for a modified Morale penalty of 1.35 times normal.

Officer Tactics

  • Losing an officer (higher rank) has a greater effect on the whole squad's morale than losing a rookie. LZ's are notorious for ambushes and extreme risk. So logically, your highest-ranking soldiers should never be in the front line of deployment.
  • By using XcomUtil, you can choose to place you your officers in the rear of the transport, and your rookies in the front.
  • Some people extend this tactic and keep the commanding officer in the Skyranger for the entire battle. They're safest there, and with a Blaster Launcher or Mind Probe they can still contribute to the combat. See Rear Commander for more details.
  • Aliens are subject to the same Morale rules as X-COM units. Targeting alien officers first (eg. with a Blaster Bomb to the UFO bridge) will help create widespread panic among the remaining aliens.

Panicking and Berserking

If a unit's Morale drops below 50, there is a chance that it will panic or go berserk on the next turn.


% Panic Chance = 100 - (2 x Morale)


If a soldier has a Morale rating of 40, they have a 20% chance of panicking on the next turn.

Morale of 0 guarantees a panic or berserk.

Units which panic may drop whatever is in their hands, run in a random direction (sometimes directly into the path of awaiting enemies), or stand frozen in place. Units may also go berserk, firing wildly in random directions. If friendly or alien units are nearby, they may well be hit.

Units at 0 Morale go Berserk 35% of the time, and Panic the other 65% of the time. This percent probably holds true for panics and berserks at higher Morale (>0 and <50), but it has not been tested.

Note: Berserk soldiers temporarily get 255 TUs (or slightly under that). As a result, they can fire off entire magazines before recovering! The game uses your max TUs to determine firing rates, because it's percentage based (otherwise the TU increase would have no effect). This also means that rookies will fire more, since they have less max TUs. (255 TUs has been demonstrated in the DOS and CE versions and TFTD -- it's not entirely clear if this happens for the Playstation or Amiga versions. - NKF)

Psionic Panicking Attacks

There are two kinds of psionic attacks aliens and Psi-trained soldiers can use: Control Unit and Panic Unit. Panic Unit attacks are more likely to succeed. A successful psionic panicking attack immediately subtracts:

    110 - Bravery

points from the target's Morale score. Thus if the target is a towering hero (100 Bravery) only 10 Morale is subtracted; if the target is a cowering worm (10 Bravery, the minimum possible), 100 Morale is subtracted. For alien Bravery stats, see Alien Stats.

Repeated attacks may be needed to bring a unit's Morale below 50, where it has a chance of panicking.

Morale Loss and Bravery Increases

When a unit's Morale is below 50 but it does not panic or go berserk, it gains "bravery training". Each successfully-resisted panic roll gives the unit an additional ~9% chance of gaining +10 Bravery at the end of the mission, up to a 100% chance after 11 successful resists. See Bravery for more details.

See Also

UFO Badge X-Com: Enemy Unknown/UFO Defense
Soldiers:Time UnitsEnergy (Stamina)HealthBraveryReactionsFiring AccuracyThrowing Accuracy
StrengthPsionic StrengthPsionic SkillMelee AccuracyStunMoraleRankFatal Wounds