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Revision as of 01:33, 17 October 2005 by MikeTheRed (talk | contribs) ([20] into table format)
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This file is only used by tactical saves.

It's 170 bytes, most of which don't seem to do anything.

misdata[20] is the mission descriptor. Possible values:

0: UFO site
1: Terror site
2: Base defense (X-Com base)
3: Base offense (Alien base)
4: Mars part 1
5: Mars part 2

[74] and [76] serve some purpose. Possibely something to do with terrain and alien craft stuff, but I can't translate it. :(

[77] seems to map to the craft in use. I think this value must index off somewhere else, but I currently don't know where. It seems to also serve when one of your bases is under attack.

[79] is 0 unless the mission is a UFO site, in which case it is 1.

All other values always seem to be equal to 0, with the exception of [152], [164], and all in between; which are always equal to 1.

I have seen these values change. I find that at the beginning of a new game, values [152]-[164] are all 0, not 1; they change over the course of the campaign. What they DO remains a mystery. Research maybe?