Medium Scout

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Revision as of 12:05, 10 August 2005 by JellyfishGreen (talk | contribs) (more notes. Anyone got a picture?)
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This ship isn't a big threat. Avalanche missiles will put it down, usually.

Ship carries ONE power source, and I believe One Navigation.

This is a one-level ship, octagon-shaped, with no interior walls and the power source in the center of the craft.

Several aliens will be inside the ship and a few outside during missions. Sometimes the aliens can hide behind the power source so be sure to check the corners after breaching the doors!

If you're unlucky, and the power source was destroyed during the crash, there'll be a nice big hole in the ship during recovery. The location of the hole varies. Feel free to toss big explosives into the hole as there will be no elerium to recover anyway.