Infiltration (LW2)

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The infiltration mechanic is the method by which most, but not all, missions are launched. The system is designed to provide a balance between the assignment of your haven personnel on intel gathering, the number of troops and equipment you bring on the mission, and the danger you will encounter on the mission.

Mission Description

When describing a mission there are two relevant statistics for infiltration: base enemy activity and mission expiration. Mission expiration details when the mission will expire and the last possible moment you have to attempt the mission. Base enemy activity provides a general description of the strength of the enemy forces you will encounter when the infiltration percentage reaches 100%. Missions can be attempted at any percentage from 0% to 200% and the rewards remain the same. You will always be prompted to start or abort the mission when the mission expiration time is reached, though you may choose to start or abort the mission before if you click on the geoscape bar for the mission.

Soldiers and equipment are unavailable from the point they begin infiltration until they complete or abort the mission.

Baseline Enemy Activity

The baseline enemy activity is described by general phrases and those phrases have been described to ROUGHLY correspond to the following unit counts:

Enemy Activity Levels aliens
Extremely Light 6-9
Very Light 10-12
Light 13-15
Light-Moderate 16-18
Moderate 19-21
Moderate-Heavy 22-24
Heavy 25-27
Very Heavy 28-30
Extremely Heavy 30-32
Swarming 33+

Infiltration Percentage

The rewards of a mission are the same regardless of how much infiltration you perform before starting the mission, thus reducing the mission difficulty by increasing your infiltration is a good idea. The amount of infiltration percentage you gather over time is based on another value, total infiltration, which is displayed on the squad loadout screen. This value tells you how long it will take for the infiltration percentage to reach 100%, thus you can reach more than 100% if the total time is less than the expiration time. There are many factors which can affect the total infiltration time such as soldier count, weapon types and mods, soldier perks, leader perks, and guerrilla tactics school upgrades. Additionally you can spend the intel resource at any point to increase the infiltration percentage.

Skyranger Evac Delay

On infiltration missions requesting the Skyranger evac point has a delay before soldiers can use it. ***UNKNOWN/UNVERIFIED INFORMATION*** The Skyranger evac delay is tied to infiltration percentage somehow, xwynns says -1 at 150% and -2 at 190%, perhaps this is the use of the enemy readiness value?


The breakpoints for infiltration percentage are the following:

200% 150% 125% 100% 92% 84% 75% 67% 59% 50% 42% 34% 25% 17% 9% 0%

There are many more breakpoints below 100% than there are above it which means missions will quickly become more difficult at under 100% and you should try your best to reach this percentage. Similarly the difference between 150% and 200% is very small and may not be worth the squad strength cuts needed to attain 200%.