Barracks (LWR)

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In General

This facility houses your soldiers.

Soldier List

Here you can see the statistics and current status of your ground forces, and you can also customize them, change their equipment, promote them or fire them. However, unless the Barracks' capacity is full, there is never reason to fire your soldiers, as they draw no salary.

Officer Training School

Upgrades are unlocked based on the total number of successful missions during the game.

XTP and Officer training programs (LWR)
Upgrade Effect Prerequisites Cost
Required Upgrade Successful Missions
(Modified by Campaign Length)
XTP I Institutes the XTP: Soldiers autopromote to SPEC and SPEC/LCPLs gain 10xp each day* - 20 200
XTP II Institutes XTP II: Soldiers autopromote to LCPL and LCPLs/CPLs gain 20xp each day* XTP I 70 400
XTP III Institutes XTP III: Soldiers autopromote to CPL and CPLs/SGTs gain 30xp each day* XTP II 150 600
Lieutenants Allows the promotion of 3 Soldiers to Lieutenants. - 10 100
Captains Allows the promotion of 2 additional Lieutenants, and allows the promotion of 2 Lieutenants to Captains. Tactical Officers 30 200
Majors Allows the promotion of 2 additional Lieutenants and Captains, and allows the promotion of 2 Captains to Majors. Captains 50 300
Colonels Allows the promotion of 2 additional Lieutenants, Captains and Majors, and allows the promotion of 2 Majors to Colonels. Majors 90 400
Field Commander Allows the promotion of 1 additional Lieutenant, Captain, Major and Colonel, and allows the promotion of 1 Colonel to Field Commander. Colonels 120 500
  • XCOM Training Programmes (XTPs) grant their xp and promotions at midnight each day and only apply to fatigued or active soldiers

Psi Labs

Test up to 2 soldiers to discover their psionic ability. For more information click here: Psionic Training

The Memorial

Here you can see information about the soldiers who died in combat, as well as the cause of their death.

Recruit Soldiers

Each new soldier costs §90 on all difficulties and take 18 days to arrive.

Officer Promotions

Here you can choose which of your Soldiers should become an Officer and to what rank they should be promoted. You can only assign titles that have already been purchased at the Officer Training School.

Each Officer must have completed at least 5 missions since the last promotion.

Psionic Soldiers, MEC Troopers and S.H.I.V.s cannot be promoted to officers and officers cannot discover or develop psionic abilities or be augmented into MEC troopers.

Soldier Ranks Required for Promotion
Solder Rank Officer Rank Available
Private None
Specialist None
Lance Corporal None
Corporal Lieutenant
Sergeant Captain
Tech Sergeant Major
Gunnery Sergeant Colonel
Master Sergeant Field Commander

See also

Template:Facilities (LWR) Navbar