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Spearheading the front lines of the X-COM vanguard at the start of the invasion is the X-COM regulation issue rifle - the best earth supposedly has to offer - a rifle combining assault and sniper capabilities.

Unfortunately it is also built by the lowest bidder.

It offers a miniscule improvement over the standard X-Com pistol in terms of damage, with a minor increase in clip size. All that and a little more on top of a heftier bill. Being slightly more complex than the pistol, it is also slower to fire and slightly heavier on top of requiring both hands to properly operate.

Luckily, what it does offer over the pistol is a superb three-round burst mode, making it excellent for close range combat. It also has a built-in scope to allow highly accurate aimed shots. The rifle takes quite a long time to aim, but it allows the user to achieve shots with accuracies that are equal to the alien Heavy Plasma and Small Launcher. This is regrettably let down by the rifle's low stopping power and speed.

The rifle makes an excellent compliment to the regulation pistol - and suffers most of the same limitations. The aliens that the rifle will continue to remain effective against throughout the war are Sectoids, Snakemen and Floaters.



  • Size: 3 high x 1 wide
  • Weight: 8
  • TUs:
    • Auto: 35% (Accuracy 35%)
    • Snap: 25% (Accuracy 60%)
    • Aimed: 80% (Accuracy 110%)
  • Cost: $3,000
  • Sell Price: $2,250

Rifle Clip:

  • Power: 30 AP
  • Ammo: 20
  • Size: 1 high x 1 wide
  • Weight: 3
  • Cost: $200
  • Sell Price: $150


The rifle works best in the early campaign as a means to train your high accuracy, low strength soldiers. When crouched and aiming, the base firing accuracy is 1.1*1.15*the user accuracy, meaning a marksmanship 70 rifleman has an 88% chance of hitting its target regardless of distance. With spotters to mark targets, a sniper rifle can be a valuable asset against low-ranking enemies. In close-quarter battles, the rifle finds itself quickly outclassed as its accuracy means little and its rate of fire and damage output proving inferior to the laser pistol. In XCOMUtil, the heavy laser will ultimately replace the rifle in sniper duty as well, while in an unmodded game the heavy plasma or heavy cannon will.

Usage Notes

The following lists how many times a soldier can fire the gun by shot type continuously in any given round and the remaining percentage of any left over TUs that cannot be spent as a shot.

  • Aimed: 1 Shot, 20% Remaining TUs
  • Snap: 4 Shots, 0% Remaining TUs
  • Auto: 2 Bursts, 30% Remaining TUs

UFO Badge X-COM: Enemy Unknown/UFO Defense: Equipment
Armour: CoverallsPersonal ArmourPower SuitFlying Suit
Weapons: PistolRifleHeavy CannonAuto-CannonRocket LauncherStun Rod
GrenadeProximity GrenadeHigh ExplosiveLaser PistolLaser RifleHeavy Laser
Plasma PistolPlasma RifleHeavy PlasmaAlien GrenadeSmall LauncherBlaster Launcher
Equipment: Smoke GrenadeMotion ScannerMedi-KitElectro-flarePsi-AmpMind ProbeElerium-115
HWPs: Tank/CannonTank/Rocket LauncherTank/Laser CannonHovertank/PlasmaHovertank/Launcher
Data Item WeightsAlien Weapon Loadouts • Armour Damage Modifiers